Show what you did with your EDC today.

Propylene glycol prevents water from freezing depending on ratio and temperature. Important to have water for dunking blades this coming winter. It will be much less hassle this time.


Not pictured: my resilience punctured the bottoms of those to prevent glug glug and speed pouring.

Always thought the big Rajah was cool but wow if it isn’t insanely handle heavy. I wish they could have milled out the scales, with increasing material reduction the further back you go.
Always thought the big Rajah was cool but wow if it isn’t insanely handle heavy. I wish they could have milled out the scales, with increasing material reduction the further back you go.
I could be wrong, but I remember the Voyagers having aluminum liners. That would cut weight a bit in the Rajah, especially if milled. The Rajah II is a fun knife 🤘
Played hooky from work and used Ole’ Lefty to assist with cooking cheese steaks on the boat while striper fishing… didn’t catch any striper, just one largemouth. Dont know where they came from (Virginia Beach might be the closest air station to where we were) but two F16 Falcons flew over and were less than 1000ft high. They were moving so fast they made no noise until after they passed. Too fast to get a photo. ‘MURICA!!!

Got slack belt strop from eBay about a decade ago I guess. Decided it’s time to give it a wood back and ditch the chromium oxide for diamond past which should be arriving tomorrow.

Second pic I used this knife:


By the way, the wood is oak from dovetailed piece meant for stairs.