Sierra Scout in the Sierra

Sep 2, 2008
Just got back from Lake Tahoe yesterday, and Sierra Scout was THE knife on my belt the entire camping trip:thumbup::thumbup:. It was the first time it's been out for more than a dayhike, and it for sure won't be the last.

This bad boy did everything that was asked of it and never flinched! Anything from slicing up my ribeye or veggies to striking a firesteel to showing seasoned oak who's boss. Once again, I have to comment on the absolutely spectacular handle, Nick really nailed it for me :D This knife is downright comfortable to use, and really locks into your hand. I had worried about the index finger groove at first, and how comfortable it would be in grips other than the front saber grip, but this weekend completely laid those doubts to rest. No problem there! :thumbup:

So, I just have to say it is an amazing knife. In addition to the excellent handle, the edge and grind, blade profile, thickness, length, tip, and fit and finish are all just about perfect for me. I am proud to own and use such a fine piece of craftsmanship, thank you Nick! :thumbup:

Here are a few pics I managed to snap this weekend. Not too many, sorry, but I'm usually the one taking the pics so "in-use" pics are a bit difficult....





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I guess the only "in-use" shots I have are of me batoning seasoned oak logs with it, though it saw a lot more use in food prep and some finer whittling/carving activities. I had my Becker BK9 and RAT RC4 along for the trip as well (I think it's time I pick up a hatchet...), so I didn't process all of the heavy stuff with just the Scout. However, I did split a good number of logs with it, so I know it can take a real beating and keep right on grinning :thumbup::thumbup:





Obligatory scenery shots:




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Great pics Russell:thumbup: You sure are lucky to be able to go out into such a beautifull place such as the Sierras......... I have only dreamed of such a trip. The wilderness/woods in MI are for the most part so thick it is hard to even walk through it. On the western side of Michigan, things tend to get hilly and they do open up a little more than the side I'm on.

I'm glad you are getting a chance to use your knife. It looks like it is getting some love:D

Thanks for posting some of your trip.
Thanks Nick! Yes, I am lucky to be relatively close to all the great places CA has to offer. As much as I don't like certain things about CA, it has some of the most amazing wilderness I have ever seen :thumbup:. You should definitely take a trip out to the Sierras sometime Nick, I know you'll love it.

I'd love to see some pics sometime down the line of your woods. I always like to see new places, and it's good to see a maker's home woods :thumbup:.

The Scout is definitely getting more lovin now. It saw a ton of use with food prep this weekend, all that finger clearance works wonders :). Gotta touch it up tonight since I put it through quite a few logs, but it cut great all weekend :thumbup:. I say the knife has gained a little more character this weekend; it's truly mine now :D.

I have more pics here Nick :thumbup:.
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U R welcome , Friday -Sunday mine will be in Davey Crocket National forest , final a few days to explore the Great outdoors