Single liners – Opinions

Airplanes no longer use two sets of wings (modern technology has improved the airplane) and one wing now does a better job than two used to.

True, just think of the B-2 bomber as a huge flying unlined G-10 scale
James - most of my designs are influenced by Nature or Natural design. In Nature, there is rarely any "scrap" or "waste".

The line that I like to use for comparison; "The Goal...No more than necessary, no less than perfect". It is actually a very thin line. That is in all of my own designs.

The Tim Wegner design has a beautiful pattern. Originally, Tim wanted two liners and a 5/32 thick blade. The first prototype was deemed by Tim to be too heavy. So we started to refine.

If I can achieve strength without weight, I will go that direction every time. Unless weight is specifically required (Chopping wood for example).

But that is my own set of parameters. Each designer has their own set.

If appearance is a major issue, then a whole new set of parameters enters the equation. "I don't like the way single liners look" is a statement that I cannot argue against. Performance is yet another issue and one that is testable.

I am however very interessted in all of the opinions as you are. Thanx for the thread.
Sal, this thread has been quite interesting, I agree. But nature has had more failed experiments that man, that is for sure. Not every thing turned out as efficient as the shark

after the trend started...i tried a couple like this...and agreeing with most of the above posts....i didnt like it at all....any way...someone out there is saving a lot of time and money leaving the opposite side off.

