Skunk... You've finally be found out!!! I know the truth!!!

Nov 17, 2003
Some may have seen and heard of the epic event of IdahoSkunk breaking out his break through dancing around a blade show, but I have discovered his dance coach and am calling him out on it.... Skunk, I call BS on your dance being original :D :eek: :grumpy: ;)

You guys be the judge....


And the video of his instructor (I'm alleging this). The move pictured above takes place around 19-21 seconds in the video:
*Note: Video is work safe and clean, but advertisements surrounding it may not be. Open with caution :)

This is a sad day.... :grumpy:

Disclaimer: IdahoSkunk has never claimed his dance to be original. I was not there, but thought this thread would be entertaining. So enjoy it...
I think that video shows more of Joe Cocker's coach.:D

Having been an eye witness to the event, I can say definitively, his dance moves just reflected a daily routine in Stinky's life.....;) :cool:

Hmm, that was before the in-reverse freeway trip....:eek: :thumbup:
That's hilarious! At least Skunk doesn't fling his own poop... :D
yah, but I am petty sure he taught the instuctor the wrist move

Some may have seen and heard of the epic event of IdahoSkunk breaking out his break through dancing around a blade show, but I have discovered his dance coach and am calling him out on it.... Skunk, I call BS on your dance being original :D :eek: :grumpy: ;)

You guys be the judge....


And the video of his instructor (I'm alleging this). The move pictured above takes place around 19-21 seconds in the video:
*Note: Video is work safe and clean, but advertisements surrounding it may not be. Open with caution :)

This is a sad day.... :grumpy:

Disclaimer: IdahoSkunk has never claimed his dance to be original. I was not there, but thought this thread would be entertaining. So enjoy it...
Word on the street is that Skunk has a Dance Dance Revolution machine set up in his basement. He plans to shock and awe attendees of this year's Blade Show.

To that I say...

Bring it!!!!

Word on the street is that Skunk has a Dance Dance Revolution machine set up in his basement. He plans to shock and awe attendees of this year's Blade Show.

To that I say...

Bring it!!!!

Heh. My wife and I bought the PS2 version of that for our daughter (she's 8) this Channukmas. It is pretty funny to watch.

Rick - she doesn't get it from me