Slipjoints and steel: forget makers and factory thinking

Boy, there is one thing I have learned and that is people can be willing to defend their opinions and viewpoints to a greater degree than I would have guessed. I am non-confrontational and love knives. I just wanted to hear from people that thought there was too narrow of thinking from the places we buy our knives. We would love them anyway, but I like persueing(sic) ideas- thats why I joined this forums as a member.I don't think there was a wrong answer or reply in the bunch. I just have to avoid the temptation to preach,and be more concise, if I will benefit this forum and the world of knives. Thank you all for making this what I dreamed of: a place where my favorite subject is discussed intelligently! To all my blade brothers.

[This message has been edited by Sunfish (edited 30 June 1999).]