Sneak Peek!!!! . . . . Force Multiplier V8 . . . . Coming January 17, 2018!!!

I’ve been out of the loop for a few days, can someone please send me a pic?
Why the name force multiplier v8? Sounds like a truck or something

FM = Force Multiplier, as Icky stated...speaks for itself, but I think it's a nod to FM radio >>> the only "streaming" free music app us relics had back in the 60's - 80's

V8 = Icky's spot on here too...but I see it as another reference to the "good ole days" of Chevy shortblocks, Boss 429's, and such.

So while it's a new model, Jerry's thrown in some nostalgia as he is know to do often. I like the name. :)

Does that explication win me a shop credit Jerry Busse Jerry Busse ? ;)