SnG Model 2 Lock Engagement

Mar 6, 2002
I received my SnG model #2/CP from MattD last Thursday and have been opening and closing it repeatedly to work it in. I really like the feel of this knife. It started out stiff and barely engaging the locking bar. It's now running smoother to the point I can open/close it one handed (still a little stiff) and it's now engaging approx 1/2 the width of the lock. When it's completely broken in, is the locking bar to engage the full width of the locking bar? or is 1/2 the width the normal amount?

On a side note, I gave up my GB for this SnG for the convenience of making it an EDC, that plus I prefer the blade configuration of a CP. I am beginning to miss the absolute heft of that GB and will probably end up ordering an AR when they start production on them again. My large Sebenza is now parked in the safe. Too bad I customized it with my initials, otherwise I'd have sold it by now.
FWIW, my spearpoint Model 2 SnG (#022), which I also rec'd Thursday from Matt D., has as close to perfect lockup as I've seen on a frame lock. About 90% of the lock contacts the blade. I've worked the crap out of mine, field stripped, cleaned and lubed (Chris Reeve fluorinated grease) it. Even after that, the lockup hasn't changed appreciably.

BTW, I believe there was graphite on the locking surfaces when I got it. Now there's just the tiniest amount of grease on the locking surfaces.
"When it's completely broken in, is the locking bar to engage the full width of the locking bar? or is 1/2 the width the normal amount?"

I just realized I didn't really answer your question. IMO, 1/2 the width of the locking bar against the blade should be adequate. That's about all I ever had on my old Sebenza, which I sold in December.

I still have my AR, although Mick's building me a replacement for it. NOBODY will ever get that AR from me!
Appreciate the info. Guess the lock will engage further as the SnG wears in more.

I read in one of your posting that you had disassembled your SnG. Those three screws along the back of the handle are torx screw heads on one side, but what holds the nuts on the other? I guess you need two torx drivers to take apart the main pivot bolt?

I have found that with custom, or in this case, semi-custom knives, lock engagement will vary a bit knife to knife. Hell, ive seen a LOT of variance on production knives as well. I did see such a variance on a bunch of SNG2's i recently played with, about 40 of them, and there were a couple where the lock was engaging the blade quite far to the left, with maybe only half of the thickness of the lock touching the blade. I believe that with a little use and wear, the locks on these will move a little farther to the right and offer more engagement. Most of the SNG's i saw had just about perfect engagement to me, with the locks fully engaging the blade, but towards the left side of the blade. Cant do better than that.

My first run SNG had this issue too, the lock barely was engaging the blade, but, after a little use and break-in, its now perfect, full engagement, but still towards the left side of the blade, so, again, open and close the knife a few hundred times, and it should begin to seat properly.

One thing i have found is that opening and closing my SNG's is addictive, i cant get enough of that loud "snick" when the lock engages the blade, ive probably opened and closed each SNG about 2-300 times so far and i dont plan on stopping, too much fun.