Snody Retaliator Fixed

Jun 6, 2002
Here is a Snody I picked up in NY late last year. It is a simple design, but very well executed. Comfortable pocket sheath by Sherry Lott.



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Killer knife! But you got a Snody in New York? At the New York show? CRIPES!! mad:

I talked to Mike's bombshell better half, Michelle prior to the show and she told me that something had come up in Mike's schedule and they were not going to be able to make NY! I would have gone to the show to get a Snody, that's why i called them in October!:grumpy:
Originally posted by DerekZ
Killer knife! But you got a Snody in New York? At the New York show? CRIPES!! mad:

I talked to Mike's bombshell better half, Michelle prior to the show and she told me that something had come up in Mike's schedule and they were not going to be able to make NY! I would have gone to the show to get a Snody, that's why i called them in October!:grumpy:

At least you got to talk to someone. I have emailed and called and left messages for Snody and never once got a returned call or email. So I had to resort to extraordinary means to acquire one of his fine knives. Such as get to the NY show real early and scoop it up from a dealer .....

Mike posted and said he's been jammed up. I look forward to when he's possibly going full time in knife making.

It blew me away how he has great knives, a great website with dynamite photos, he advertises in the magazines regularly, yet his knives are real scarce. It don't figure. :confused:
Just to clarify, Mike DID NOT go to the NY show last fall. Mike has been extremely busy with his real job the past few months...hopefully he'll get back into the swing of knives soon....
Nice knife, matches the Folder version! My son and I had the pleasure of meeting Mike's extremely lovely wife Michelle at our veteranarians office. I have been a big fan of Snody knives for awhile. I am looking very hard for a Snody Gamemaster to buy, if anyone has one please put the picture up. I was told by a fellow knife collector that this is not an easy knife to find.

Mike has been swamped by his consulting work and traveling a great deal . It has been a two year wait for me but well worth it for the special folder we have coming .Great score on the knife !!

He and his wife are great folks to deal with .
That is also one of my favorites by Mike.., gret knife!

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]"
Originally posted by DerekZ
Killer knife! But you got a Snody in New York? At the New York show? CRIPES!! mad:

I talked to Mike's bombshell better half, Michelle prior to the show and she told me that something had come up in Mike's schedule and they were not going to be able to make NY! I would have gone to the show to get a Snody, that's why i called them in October!:grumpy:

Bladeart had a few at their can see them in the upper left-hand corner


Originally posted by RL
Bladeart had a few at their can see them in the upper left-hand corner


It looks like someone's humping that corner of the table, no?
I should have gone to New York anyway. Thanks for the clarification and for the pic. HEY! STOP THAT! There should be no table humping allowed around Snody's. :eek:

Nice knife, matches the Folder version! My son and I had the pleasure of meeting Mike's extremely lovely wife Michelle at our veteranarians office. I have been a big fan of Snody knives for awhile. I am looking very hard for a Snody Gamemaster to buy, if anyone has one please put the picture up. I was told by a fellow knife collector that this is not an easy knife to find.

Hey Biggame, Mike and Michelle are the coolest! Michells is indeed "extremely lovely" - Good luck in your pursuit of a Snody Gamemaster, if you find one let me know. Maybe you can help me find my pot of gold!:p I hope that you have a hard head or a good helmet because you will be knocking it against alot of brick walls trying to find a Gamemaster.
