
Been using what the old-ol' timers used and that is natural Castile Soap. It is all natural and will lather even in very cold water. It is oil based and bio degradiable. You can make it yourself. Because I hunt I prefer the non-scented kinds. I believe Dr. Bonner is a major brand name. I just use the generic stuff.
Dr Bronner's is a castille soap. I prefer the eucalyptus and tea tree versions myself as they seem to help me avoid biting insects.
Kirk's Castille is another I use - get it at my local grocery store for a LOT less than they sell it at health markets or "back to the basics" websites.
if you have a good recipe for making your own, I'd love to see it.
I've used Yucca plant a couple of times. Scrape the outer skin off and use the inner pulp. Smells good and lathers really well. No chemicals. And Yucca is just about everywhere. I've used wood ash to clean pots and pans, too.

For car camping we usually just take some travel sized Dove bars with us. Store it in a ziplock baggie. Heat the water over the fire and take a "whore bath".
bio degradeable liquid camp soap.. dawn seems to be a bit harsher. dawn does work well with acne though (as far as removing the natural oils off your body)..
Think il try the dawn never thought of that not like il be washing more than maybe once a day plus i am sure i have some at home if it doesnt work theres plenty more ideas here Thanks everybody .