SOG Powerlock vs. Leatherman Wave

Dec 4, 2002
Unfortunately one of my roomates lost my well worn leatherman wave tool this week. I am going to replace it in the next few days and was wondering if you guys thought a SOG would be better or maybe even a gerber?
you'll probably get suggestions for the SOG powerlock, LM supertool, LM Wave, Swiss Tool, and The Gerber Legend series. One of these usually gets a vote from someone. the Wave is smaller than the powerlock, supertool, and swiss tool. If weight is an issue, you'll definitely notice a difference. They're also more heavy duty. If you carry a separate blade, the wave looses it's appeal because some of the tools don't lock. The others I mentioned have locking tools. Powerlock has been getting most of the votes, but it's the biggest too. Check into these and get a chance to play with them if you can.
SOG PowerLock...Or if you want smaller & lighter, the SOG Deluxe Pocket PowerPlier is a nice choice.
I don't know the SOG tool you specified, but I have owned a Wave for a few years now and I like it a lot. I've seen and held some other manufacturers' models and usually have found them lacking in some way or another. Some are just *too* complicated. I wanted so badly to like the Spyderench (sp?) but although I never have handled one, I found it way too complicated just by looking at pictures of it.

P.S. So, is your roommate making good on the loss of the Wave? How much is he giving you? Replacement cost or market value?
Since the wave usually costs more than the SOG, I figure ill ask him for the price of the SOG.;)
The SOG Powerlock is a much heavier duty tool, and it flips open like a bali, and all the tools lock.

I have carried one for a year & a half, and if I ever have to replace it, it will be with an identical tool.

I carried a Wave for 2 months prior to getting the Powerlock, and I never looked back.
The Wave is a nice tool, but if you're looking for a multitool that will see heavy duty use, as well as one with the option and convenience of locking ANY of the tool blades, then the Powerlock is the way to go.

Wave = medium duty tool

SOG Powerlock = HEAVY duty tool that can take anything that you throw at it :cool: ;)
I forgot to mention. If you're interested in the powerlock, you can get them at about half the price of the other tools from a well known internet bidding service. Someone is selling them at a great price!. (Please note that I am in no way affiliated with this individual).:rolleyes:
Careful with the Ebay Powerlocks. Some of them are rumoured to be military versions (that would have been sold in the PX) that somehow ended up in the seller's hands. It might be that they're hot goods.

But anyway, these military versions are missing a few tools. I think it's the scissors and something else. In their places are just two spacers.