Diamond Cut II :
Would this be a good knife to carry around for EDC cutting chores?
Not if what you are cutting is paper, cardboard, tape, rope, fabrics, plastics, wood, foods and the like.
What are some good/bad points on this knife?
It is very thick in cross section and thus the cutting ability will be relatively low. The steel is soft and gets indented and rolls easily so it will take damage and blunt relatively fast. It is very corrosion resistant though. The serrations are too pointy and do not cut the above materials well, they only work as a weak saw on very rigid materials like hard plastic.
For cutting materials like the above, a Deerhunter by A.G. Russell would be worth considering. Odds are it will come significantly sharper, will definately out cut the Seal Pup many times to one, will stay sharp longer and be easier to sharpen. It is also cheaper in AUS-8A. The sheath is also a truely innovative design, which holds the knife securely but is very easy to release.
The Deerhunter is however rather weak in regards to lateral loads. You would be able to break it prying without undue difficulty (it is close to 1/16" thick), though it will handle even heavy cutting with ease. If you want more prying and general hammering type useage, the Swamp Rat Howling Rat would be a solid choice. A much tougher steel, with a decent edge profile which can hold its own in shallow cutting against the Deerhunter.