SOG vs Steak (Large Pics)


Part time Leather Bender/Sheath maker
Jul 9, 2000
I desided to do some "Hardcore" tests on my SOG Government, so I pitted it against a serloin steak. It got a little gorry, but somebody had to try it.:p Check out the results:

My SOG government getting ready to do battle with the steak

The Fight, who will win?

The Government bloody but victorious!:D

I can't wait to try this test with my new "Racing Red AutoClip" and Outline.:) I wonder how they will fair;):D

That's a great test, and based on Christmas-time testing here in SoCal, I knew SOG would be the winner.
Down south here we used the Bowie and Seal 2000 to carve several tri-tip dinner roasts, with further "tough testing" being the use of both knives by the diners during the dinners. Mission Accomplished.

But the most difficult test was in public at early January's SWWC XIV: a gathering of several friends for Steak, Wine, Whiskey, and Cigars. Any new "toys" are put through the paces and woe be to any product (and it's owner) that cannot meet the exacting and demanding standards of the congregants during the pre-dinner WWC's.
I'm very proud to report that the Bowie and the Seal 2000 passed with flying colors.... and naturally served as dinner knives once the 16-oz New York was served. And there were many covetous looks passed around the table.

SOG is the best. And since I like the bowie-style perhaps I should find a Tech I that needs a good home.... in honor of Ron, you know.
Dang Heber! And you didn't invite me? That's a great slab of meat! I'm salivating (no one get near my knives, hands, or mouth!).
Originally posted by New Pig Hunter
SOG is the best. And since I like the bowie-style perhaps I should find a Tech I that needs a good home.... in honor of Ron, you know.

I have one... I think you want a Tech II...;)
Originally posted by Ron Andersen
Dang Heber! And you didn't invite me? That's a great slab of meat! I'm salivating (no one get near my knives, hands, or mouth!).

Ron, your welcome down any time. And If I have enough notice, I'll wip up a nice Roast Beast* in my Dutch Oven.:)

* Roast Beef, slow cooked for 4 hours with, onions, potatos and carrots.
Originally posted by New Pig Hunter

That's a great test, and based on Christmas-time testing here in SoCal, I knew SOG would be the winner.
Down south here we used the Bowie and Seal 2000 to carve several tri-tip dinner roasts, with further "tough testing" being the use of both knives by the diners during the dinners. Mission Accomplished.

But the most difficult test was in public at early January's SWWC XIV: a gathering of several friends for Steak, Wine, Whiskey, and Cigars. Any new "toys" are put through the paces and woe be to any product (and it's owner) that cannot meet the exacting and demanding standards of the congregants during the pre-dinner WWC's.
I'm very proud to report that the Bowie and the Seal 2000 passed with flying colors.... and naturally served as dinner knives once the 16-oz New York was served. And there were many covetous looks passed around the table.

SOG is the best. And since I like the bowie-style perhaps I should find a Tech I that needs a good home.... in honor of Ron, you know.

Love that story NPH. You tell it well.:) Hopefully my new SOGs will be here today, so I can do some more testing;).
Thanks !! guess I got a glib gift for garishly gratuitous gum-glomming garrulous gabbing and gawking.....

What new SOG's are enroute your posit ??

And I've got a case of SOG fever myself, just tossed a posting into the Knife Exchange WTB Forum.


Originally posted by New Pig Hunter
Thanks !! guess I got a glib gift for garishly gratuitous gum-glomming garrulous gabbing and gawking.....

What new SOG's are enroute your posit ??

And I've got a case of SOG fever myself, just tossed a posting into the Knife Exchange WTB Forum.



Hee he he.:D

Carl, I have a Racing Red Autoclip and a new Outline on there way from SOG. Just checked the PO and nothing but a letter from Finantial Aid. More forms to fill out. Oh well, maybe tomorrow.

Good luck on finding a Tigershark. I'll bet that the people that have em, won't part with them easily. I know I wouldn't.;)
Originally posted by New Pig Hunter
Thanks !! guess I got a glib gift for garishly gratuitous gum-glomming garrulous gabbing and gawking.....

Not to mention astonishly amazing alliteration!!!:D
In penmanship is found perniciously persuasive perfection, or is that persuasively pernicious perfection ??

The spousal unit just called.... I must dash home and prepare to become fully engaged in the Battle Of The BBQ'ed Pig Loins !!

SOG's !! Make Ready Thy Sharpened Selves and let not the loins linger long upon the lovingly luminous incandescents.

Yes, Jeeves, make mine but medium rare.
Regretably, my ridiculously righteous ramblings rarely rouse the roaring raucous rabble.
Originally posted by Ron Andersen
You guys! :rolleyes:

He he he, they sure are funny. But now the kids in the computer lab think I'm crazy. Little do they know;):p hee hee hee.