DO NOT RELY ON THE SOLAR STILL AS A SOURCE OF WATER... you will sweat far more water than you will gain.
Myself and two other young men built one under ideal conditions in a riparian zone of the Sonoran Desert with Cody Lundin watching. In fact the 5' wide by 3' deep hole could have been used as an Indian Well to give you an indication of how much moisture was present, however, we went through the exercise of making a solar still. If I remember correctly, we yielded almost 3 quarts of water in 24 hours. Cody said it was one of the better producing solar stills he had seen. The only problem is, in the 1.5 hours it took to make digging with sticks, we drank almost a gallon.
Also, making the still isn't as easy as it looks. You have to seal your plastic at the edges with little room for error - as to capture moisture, allow for the water to run to the center, and not collapse the wall.
And to reiterate, we had ideal conditions and 3 able body men. The solar still is not worth it in a survival situation.