Sold it. Bought another..

Jan 18, 2011
Yup it happened. Sold my Griptillian in M4 Shot show version and regretted. Found one for a good price on the flea bay and found out the seller was a member AND was the same guy I bought my first Shot show griptillian from.
Bought it on Friday and got it on Monday. Thanks Waldizal for both Griptillians!

As always. I took it apart, swapped the washers, which helped a little with centering. Also touched up the edge which came with a wire edge.

Very awesome. I got the harder to find(only 250 of the 750) combo edge one. I love the knife, but I can't get over the serrations.
Congrats on finding another, and a plain edge lol.
Great knife. I've been searching for Shot Show Griptilian on the European forums, but no luck so far. Found one a couple of months ago, but I was too slow. You snooze, you lose.
What kind of washers did you swap it out with? Sent mine into benchmade and its still not centered. Been trying to live with it but it kinda drives me crazy.
What kind of washers did you swap it out with? Sent mine into benchmade and its still not centered. Been trying to live with it but it kinda drives me crazy.

I didn't replace washers just swapped places.
Ah alright. I'll have to try it. I know there is different kinds of washers like nylon, but not sure what difference it would make.
Beautiful knife, brother in law bought one a few months ago when we went to a local sporting goods store....needless to say we were suprised that they even had one lol :)
Well this is unexpected. Got a call for a custom project I've been waiting on for nearly 2 years, finally next in line.
Seems like this knife is just not destined to stay in my hands.