Someone must have hit the Snark button on their alarm glock!

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I would just like to say, Happy vietnam veterans day to all who served over there. thank you for your service, and welcome home.
Oh, by the way, my daughter turns,13 today! Pray for me! :rolleyes:

Hah...mine hit 13 last month...I feel for ya bro. As sweet and thoughtful as she is, the demon we call Woman is rearing its ugly head...can't they just stay daddy's girl forever where you're their hero and know all the answers to the secrets of the universe!? we're turning into big dummies who just grunt and scratch themselves. Sigh...
I would just like to say, Happy vietnam veterans day to all who served over there. thank you for your service, and welcome home.

In related news, I took some time to talk to my dad who served in Vietnam (720th MP BTN.& 11 Armored Cav in 1971) we were looking online and I was available to find the Track he rode on

while the guy in the picture is not him, my dad did know him. My father was an M60 gunner on the back of this M113 APC for convoy escort
I got to drive a 113 a couple times (not in the military), it takes some getting used to. The one I drove was last overhauled in 1984.
Is he waiting for me to make the final post since I created the thread?
Maybe I am being waited on to make the Next one?

I am going to bed, have a good night all.
/snarkasm off
Maybe I am in on one, maybe not! You folks don't know my settings!
I reached a milestone today. Its taken me 3 years and 5K+ post to finally figure out that there is only 3 places on BFC that sarcasm and a lighthearted conversationalist attitude is really and truly welcome.

1. In the Becker sub
2. W&C
3. The other place that shall not be named

Everyplace else, takes themselves a bit too seriously most times I think.

Agree, Disagree?

As a recent W&C initiate, I have to most certainly agree with your sentiment. I've been all over, only the BK&T/Ka-Bar and W&C regulars have been regularly awesome and willing to goof off in a good way.
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