Something unusual, I know, do you?

Jan 21, 2001
I bought this metal knife for the WESTPHAL tang marking ( do to Westphal having been tied to Walden at one time ). When I got it I reseached the tang and found out what I wanted to know. However I could not figure out what the heck it was or what its purpose was. I recently stumbled across a reference and explanation from the What issit column by B Levine from 1978 ( see never throw any thing out ). In any event I thought I would post it and give Big Dog, Codger, Del, and the rest of our sharpies ( get it ) a chance to show off. You already have a hint since I have told you where the answer was found. Say what you want, you have to give Mr Levine credit hes has answered a lot of questions and knows his stuff. I can understand how all the years he has had in this field and some of the people he had to deal with might have affected his patiences at times. LT PS Another hint unlike my last item question this one has nothing to do with jail or insane asylums.
I don't believe I've ever gotten the right answer on any of these. It sorta reminds me of my days as a "sTUDENT" of lower education. :rolleyes:

OK it a palette knife for artists/painters?

OR....the Super Secret Mall Ninja.....ooops, already used that one. :o

The shape would lead me to think that maybe it's something to do with leather/harness making, or a pattern cutter, but, I've really no idea.

Happy New Year
Del that really is a good guess and if you could take it a it further you would have it all. Woofer is that the palette with the poison. LT
LT; That resembles a "thread clip" knife that many people keep at each of their sewing machines in the shop (leather shop,of course). there are a lot of similar shapes that were I believe Swedish in origin, at least Swedish steel. Any way, that's my guess. A thread clip knife.

Among my old carpenter and cabinet-maker tools,I have a couple scrapers that are shaped like that for smoothing up wood moldings.
I'll guess "molding scraper".
Whatever it is,it's pretty old.
So far Del and Sheathmaker are almost there although I would imagine it could be used for a scraper. You guys are so close that I would give it up but I want to give Big Dog and Codger and a couple of others a chance to hammer the last nail. Another hint it has a specific name like a farrier knife has a specific name. Coincidentially also using the example of the farrier knife name this one als has an F and R for the first and third letters. LT
I know...I know...

It must be the prototype for the 2006 Schrade FoRum knife LT was talking about!!

Yeah baby!! Did I win...did I??

A Fur knife?
Here being a modern example.



  • fur knife.jpg
    fur knife.jpg
    3.6 KB · Views: 7
A furrier's knife I'd then guess (Thanks Phil) !!

or, a 'form knife' for making forms and models, etc?
Well alrighty then. Yes indeedy. A furrier knife. I am attaching a pic of the original page which incidently has 4 items on it the top one being a seamstress or thread knife ( which was mentioned ) by sheathmaker and appeared in this same article, the bottom one being the furriers knife.

So what did you win well I included a second picture as the prize. Yes indeedy again a genuine 1978 picture of the author of this very article and the book it appears in, Mr B Levine in his 1978 easy rider hippy look. I still have the same high and tight hairdo that I had then. Nardo however was kind of stylish back then. Good job on the question ya never even gave the big dog ( Larry ) a chance to get a bite at it.

Well, now that I know what it is, that shape makes perfect sense. Many examples of knives like this have another thing in common. They were all made and delivered as finished without scales or handles of any type but most were stamped with a tang type stamp as per Lt's example. This is based on what I have seen and not what I know, as with Levine, because I've seen a heck of a lot more than I know.

Lt had to mail me the challange to come look. I think Codger and I have been off daydreaming what would be coming this year for a forum knife......
Dang I never would have guessed.
I thought it was a blade pull to prevent nail breakage then I read the answers.
Well this big dog has been paper trained again.
Good one Del and Paul.
Bill you can come to the dog house with me!
I thought Micheal ( codger would have come in on it ) he's pretty sharp. Get it sharp, well sharp even if not pretty. LT PS if you are waiting for me on the forum knife it will be a while if it is even possible so if someone else has an idea feel free I just thought we had a bit of time. . Micheal I have been trying to get a lot done I usually lose emails after a couple of days what did you mention rivits, sheaths, blanks ???? Let me know will ya I am not trying to be impolite.
I would have guessed a fleshing knife used to scrape hides before tanning. I guess specialty knives are not my specialty. I'd be willing to bet he has some cotton sampling knifes put back somewhere as well.


PS - The bearded ponytail biker look I remember well. It just appears that BRL kept it long after I went back to the high and tight. That proceeded the shedding and silvering the Good Lord gave me as a survival merit badge.

I'm a permanent resident in someone's doghouse at all times. Just send me the address, I'll be there with, I mean bells on.

Thanks for the quiz record of unsuccessful attempts in still intact. It is good to be successful at being unsuccessful...or something like that.
