

Part Time Knifemaker, Moderator
Sep 10, 2007
Sorry for the away time everyone! Ive had alot going on over the last few months but have finally freed up some time. That and my laptop died so its harder to get on the forum. Thanks for the continued posting and I promise to get more involved. Im doing some new ones now that has worn me out! 20 out of O1! Im sending these to Peters until I practice and test heat treating it. I cant wait to start the handles.
Oh Boy...Oh Boy!!!! I know who that bottom right Kephart belongs to!!!!!

Thanks for the teaser pic Chris!!!

That beast on the far right looks cool too! ...and that harpoon model!

Heck they ALL look great!!!

Hope you fit some fun in all that "busy" time!

Yes sir, that Kephart is spken for ;) The knie on the right was a grab and grind. 6.5" blade small camp knife.
That's a bunch of good looking blades Chris. Can't wait to see some cloths on them. :thumbup:
Gonna be some sweet looking blades when done. :thumbup:
Thanks guys! Im excited to get these back
Those must be some really religious knives given' how holey they are.;)Har,har

Good to see ya back in the saddle Chris.:thumbup: :)