Sorta rustic bone and L-6......

Jun 17, 2001
I've been working on these the last few days, infact the top one I started forging at 5:30 this morning. Its being held together with the ring nut at this time. Deer leg bone and L-6 blades with no guard to speek of. Let me know what you think......Ray

I like the top one the best.

Did you color the bone any? Looks good to me.

How long is the blade on that top one?
They all look great. The top one is my favorite too.
The leg bone is a neat idea,cool how it gives the handle a natural swell towards the butt. They look like they'd be good hunting/utility type knives. Sturdy grip, but no gaurd or anything to get in the way.
I really like them. They are my kinda blades. I love knives that are users, pure and simple. I really like the way you dressed up the handles with the rings. It adds a touch of rustic elegance.
I'd say the bottom one has to be my favorite though. A straight back utility style like that has really become near and dear to me of late. They all three rock though. Great work Ray!
How 'bout some specs?

All the best,
Mike U.
Thanks for your replys! The top blade length is 6 1/2". I used potasium permagenta sp to color the bone. I made that blade to be more of a utility/small camp knife. I like the simplicity of these blades. I'm going to be doing a Saturday Market which really isn't the right venue to be selling knives at but thought these might do well there. I'll see what happens....
Looks like a great set of unique kitchen knives to me. Nice work. They have a personality.

They all look Really AWESOME Ray...
Man you are making the bone look really cool,with the decorations.
Boy will the butcher be introuble next year when you hit him up for bones:D Just don't tell him what you are doing with them or he may decide to charge you;)
You are lucky though,the white tail deer here are so small boned and bodied that the knives I can make from them are just patch knife size.
Good Luck at the Market this weekend,hope you sell everything.
Hey Bruce,
You just reminded me of what I've been wanting to do and thats give the main two guys at the butchershop a knife. A knife simular to these would work perfect for them. Maybe make them boner blades with handles like these.......Ray
I like em all but I also think the top one is the best.
It's kinda funny to see someone else using deer leg bones
as I just called a deer processer and asked him to send me some.