
Aug 25, 2002
I dont know i f this is true but Ive heard that vulcanized fiber is merly compressed fiber(cloth or somthing) compressed with a binder, Ive never had luck bonding it with epoxy. Ive noticed that like koval,and k&g sells two types one fiber one plastic, I think Im swithching or maybe go to anodized titanium for colored spacer. Or brass, sterling selver etc..Have other had bonding prolems too? How do you fix it ?
I've had one problem with fibre spacers, darn thing fell off when I very carefully sanded to shape, so's not to overheat the resin.(prior to drilling for pins) had to break it off the slab & start again (the other slab was already on & drilled) Gonna use brass & plastic for now till I hear of a way to keep 'em stuck! I haven't, however, had any reports of swelling spacers (touch wood) so far:)
Mike, already was there, I tried to post a reply to that post but it became a new thread, didnt find a direct answer there. Just others who have sworn not to use vulcanized fiber, me too.
Originally posted by Frontier Forge
Mike, already was there, I tried to post a reply to that post but it became a new thread, didnt find a direct answer there. Just others who have sworn not to use vulcanized fiber, me too.

OK, sorry. I have used them in the past. I won't anymore. They swell in humid conditions, and the possibility of shear failure in a handle is greatly increased. The only time I have ever had a handle failure was on a knife with spacers. The scale sheared at the spacer, and yes, I scuffed it up before gluing. The drop was from my hand to the top of the workbench. It's just not worth it to me, and I think knives look better without them.JMO ;) :D

D'Holder uses art paper as a liner, it is available in many colors. You just glue it all up at the same time as your scales, or what have you.
I've just got some of those plastic A4 folder covers (quite thin, @ .018") & some art card (I remember someone mentioning it last year) @ .015". Probably gonna try wood hardener with the art paper to seal it a bit;)
I use the spacer material as backing for my ivory and MOP scaled folders. It works well for what I use it for. I use superglue as an adhesive and have never had any trouble with it separating.