Spark is a TOP BLOKE!

Jan 20, 2000
He's a great guy.
(this has nothing to do with my bid to become a moderator)
Generally, (in the U.S. at least) this type of behavior is considered "<font color=purple>Pole Smokin'"</font>
Interesting how expressions differ regionally.

Before this one get's the boot to community, let me add:

"kissing up" here in the great Northwestern US.

Balisongs -- because it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!
Mate, I never thought you could stoop so low


Don't worry that the world might end Australia it's tomorrow already.
Ya see, here's another case where Spell Check would have helped.

Ferret, the correct spelling is BLOAT.
My esteemed colleague and challenger Mr. Ferret has chosen to take the low road in this Modatorial race and I am quite frankly outraged!
I am outraged that he would stoop to such despicable measures.

I am outraged that he would sully the pristine image of the Australian people with such dastardly behavior.

I am outraged that he would choose to act so shamelessly in the very forum he pretends to care so deeply about.

I am outraged that he would throw good sense and sportsmanship to the wind in this horrid and unforgivable waste of bandwidth.

But MOST of all I am outraged that I didn't think of it first!

But gee, that Spark sure is one fine fellow isn't he?

Tráceme no sin la razón, envoltura mi no sin honor
Usual Suspect
Damn pole smokin' chowder slurpers!!!!




The opinions expressed here are my own, and in no way reflect the opinion of any other person, living or dead. Of course, your opinion may vary, in which case the prevailing laws of your jurisdiction shall apply.


E Mail me anytime:
Chowder??? Is that anything like chowdah?

Brendan, Looking for a place to pahk my cah is this wicked freakin bad blizzahd

It is not the fall that kills you. It is the realization that "yes, you did something that stupid."
Whadya expect, didn't the entire island come from Criminals & Sailors (btw, is there a differance?)

Just kidding - I have nothing against sailors.
Or those cute Ozzie ladies...


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
For those of you who aren't familiar with the way our foreign bretheren measure things, "Bloke" is metric for "Dude" or "Guy."
So how many dudes does it take to make a bloke?
(I hate metric!)

Tráceme no sin la razón, envoltura mi no sin honor
Usual Suspect
Ken, being metric, the answer is quite obvious. It takes 10 dudes to make one bloke unless of course the bloke happens to come from the Northern Territory, in which case it is 10 squared or 100 dudes (at least)


Don't worry that the world might end Australia it's tomorrow already.
So, does that mean there are 10 Friends in a Mate. Not to mention a Northamerican Mate is something entirely different (i.e., a spouse). Conversion errors in this regard can get you in deep water...


Clay Fleischer
AKTI Member A000847
So do you blokes know the difference between being a brown-nose and a $hit-head? Depth perception!
I always thought his name was 'Spork'.

As in that odd tool that came from KFC.

Aw well, I stand corrected. Sorry for the error.

Sometimes I catch myself assuming that everybody knows their way around a pocket knife. Then I remember what the first three letters of "assume" are.
- James K. Mattis