Speaking of War . . . . . .


KnifeMaker & Moderator
Mar 15, 2002
Just heard today that my whole unit was called for deployment. I'm in IRR, but it still got me thinking -- what knives would I take?

Lets say you have three knives to take. What would they be?

1. Simonich Mid-Tech Raven or buy myself a Strider, both of which would house a Gerber Multi-Plier in the sheath.

2. CRKT M18, Mini Griptilian

3. Katz Avenger, or CS PeaceKeeper

(I know that's more than three, but I'm indecisive and it's my topic dammit!) :D
First of all,

Good luck, god speed and kick ass. Know that there are Americans out there that support you (and have served as well:) ) and all that you are doing.

Next, take them all...
Take the mini grip!

btw don't let the peacenicks get you down, most americans with any sort of memory of world events gone by knows that this "war" is a good thing and is past due.

Thanks and godspeed.
I don't think I started this off right. My unit got deployed, but I'm in the Inactive Ready Reserves (IRR). Since I'm not active with the unit right now, I didn't get deployed with them, but they can still call me up -- so it got me to thinking about what I would take with me.

I was wanting to start a topic on what you all would take if you had the choice of three knives to take with you to war. Sorry about the misunderstanding. :D
First off, Godspeed and Good luck, you have me and many other Americans behind you.

I like the Raven, and I think it would be a nice large knife, but I also think you might want something like the M-16, but I don't think anything besides the largest model would fill your requirments. If you don't have the large one, go with another large folder. there are things a large folder can do that a large fixed-blade simply cannot, so I think you should have both. The third knife is whatever you think would be good for small chores, and I kind of think it out to be something like a locking SAK. Remember this is all just what I would take, so just IMHO.
Can't you take a big bowie with you?
a multitool as well as a sebenza sort of folder...you know...hardy one...
I would take a Strider SnG, a Swamp Rat Battle Rat and a Spyderco Spot!! I think I would be good to go with these three:)

I would take:

1. Mad Dog ATAK 2
2. Strider GB, AR or the new SNG (I can't decide which I like best)
3. lastly a Gerber multitool.
Of the knives I own, and if I could take anything, it would be:

SOG PowerLock
Camillus/Becker BK-2 Campanion
Camillus/Becker BK-9 Combat Bowie
For a large knife, I would take one of my own.;)
If that wasn't an option, I would take a Busse Basic(7 or 9) or one of the larger Swamp Rats, a BK&T Bowie(7" or 9") or a CS Trailmaster. Since the likelihood of the knife being used in hand to hand is remote at best, the 7" versions would possibly be the wiser choice since weight will be a factor when your tramping around in full battle rattle. Even the few ounces the 9" blades weigh over the 7 inchers will feel like pounds after hauling it around all day. Or, maybe it's just me.:rolleyes:
For a folder, Al Mar SERE 2000 or a CRK&T M-18, BM 710 or Axis AFCK with the SERE a heavy favorite.
Lastly, and possibly most importantly, a multi-tool. My favorite is the Leatherman Wave. It is on my keychain so I'm sure to have it with me most all of the time and I use it virtually every day.
Of the three, the multi-tool is very important to me. I WISH we had these around when I was in the Corps. I know it would have been the most used tool in my possession.

I hope you don't have to go, but if you do, God Bless and keep you from harm.

All the best,
Mike U.
Glockmann has the right idea!
1. Large Fixed Blade
2. Small Fixed Blade
3. Tool Knife
No matter where you end up, swamp or sandbox, a fixed blade will always open for you LOL. It's also faster and generally stronger than a folder. When you think in terms of combat being "an extended camping trip where people shoot at you," your choices become simpler. Leave the wild double edged stickers at home.
What I would 'probably' take:
~Cold Steel Peace Keeper I black Carbon-V the speed of a double edge needed for deep jabs and positive release - unlike some unsharpened aggressive toothy top blades that might get stuck in the target. A good stabbing knife needs good grippy grips and a full double edge or atleast the first half of the tip has to be non-serrated for good penetration. The 2/3 or 1/2 of the opposite end can be serrated. I wouldn't chose deep agressive serrations. Anything that might grab and not let go is bad. Like the Colt Cobra lazer etched serrations, those grab and they don't wanna release. And I wouldn't chose a dagger that has stair steps on the top blade-for vest penetration reasons.
~Some kind of multi-tool like the Gerber but I would make sure that it had good wire cutters. Or a multi-tool with replacable blade wire cutters, and I could carry a couple spare blades at all times.
~Large Khukri or Bolo where permited. For a powerful semi-compact battle slash n' chopper.
~Kerhsaw Boa black serrated CPM440V. It's a mini bolo that holds an edge for a long time. Fast as an auto out of the pocket and it can be disassembled for cleaning. For an even 'safer' safety: Remove the safety. You can take it apart or you can do what I did: Put the Boa in a padded vice first to prevent damage, then pound out the plastic safety with a flat head screw driver. This will keep the useless safety from accidentally sliding when you don't want it to. A minor cut isn't worth the irritation or "safety" of a crappy lock that slides when you don't want it to. Overall the knife is perfect - just needs to have the lock pounded out or removed. Most Boas have good safety locks that don't slide but if you get one like mine with a loose safety you might want to just remove it.
~A compact Diamond sharpener with Coarse and fine grit first. Then all three(coarse,medium,fine) would be my second choice if it was compact and easy to carry.