Spiderco knives Which knife metal is the best for holding an edge


SPAM I am, Banned I am, Green eggs and ham.
Nov 5, 1999
Hello I am interested in a spiderco knife. I have just looked at the catalog and am unsure of which type of blade metal would hold an edge the best. The knife would be an every day carry. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks guys,
Hi, I have a Military 50/50 in CPM 440 V for everyday carry, and I
like the flat ground blade for a lot of different jobs. It really
keeps a good edge.
I also have a Fred Perrin ( FB 04) in VG-10, shaving sharp, but till
now I have only used it for food prep so I don't know yet if it keeps
its edge longer than CPM 440 V.
VG-10 is by far the best steel by Spyderco(but I haven't tried S30V yet).

But don't let the steel get you. Most of the supersteels available today will stay sharp enough for most people. I usually touch up my knives anywhere from 3-14 days. It depends on use. They never get "dull", but I notice a difference in proformance. I cook with them, I kill boxes, I ammuse myself.

I love ATS-55, and some ppl will turn thier noses at it.
...VG-10. :cool: :D

I've got three VG-10 Spydies(Endura SE, Blue Rescue SE, and Rescue Jr. SE) that I use for work EDC rotation, and that steel seems to hold that SpyderEdge forever, regardless of the beating that I give them. ;) :eek:
Besides VG-10 (which is truly a great steel), AUS-8 is an underrated steel that shouldn't be discarded. I takes an extremely sharp edge with little effort, it's very corrosion resistant. It's edge-holding capabilities are average or silghtly above.
I have come to like VG-10 more and more. I have a Seki in the kitchen, an Endura, and Al Mare SERE. The steel is just excellent. Very sharp and easy to touch up. I would like to get my hands on some here (I understand it is available only in Japan), and have a knife custom made - something like an AFCK in VG-10, but a frame lock.
Quiet Storm> though 8A is a *good* steel, the question was the *best* in our opinion. I carry a Alum Salsa CE in 8A everyday. I love the stuff. Sharpen on pretty much any stone, I run a 30deg edge on it, and deal with steeling the edge every week. Haven't done that with VG-10 since I thinned the edge on my c52 too low(20inclusive) and had to double grind the edge to 30.

My 440V(S60V) Military CE shaves better than my VG-10 calypso jr lt... but thats partly due to my sharpening of the c52. I run a 30 on my millie, but had some fun. Polished the edge on a strop, and found out 440v needs some grit. I hit the stones from 200-800, and my spydie grits. Pops hair now, and gets a rather clean shave on my face. I'm always hitting the spydie whites though after heavy use to maintain my hair-poppin edge. No wire on it at all.