Spyderco Display Case?

Oct 2, 2001
Is it possible to buy a Spyderco display case like the ones they have in stores? Big, from transparent plastic, with multiple cuts that form shelved to place knives on. I saw one on EBay last year, but couldn't get it.

Any ideas?

Maybe a special order from Spyderco?

I am only asking because I seem to be running out of places to put all the Spydies I already have, and I plan on more... :)

Also, is it bad for the knife/lock if it stays open for a long time? I don't imagine so, since that puts less strain on the lock/spring, and theoretically could even be beneficial in the long run. Or am I way off here?

Any thoughts? :D

That's the one I was thinking of. Unfortunately, I am in Canada, and none are available on EBay here. (Most will ship to US only, dunno why, Canada is a lovely place and I've got plenty of knives through customs without a single one getting lost).

Now, if one of these shows up on Ebay again, available to Canada, I'll snatch it. I missed one last year, and am still kicking myself for it... :)