Spyderco Military

Nice , large , very fast opening knife but it doesn't have any kind of metal liners it is just G-10 scales and a small liner lock. It is light but I do not know how strong it is. I have one but I don't carry it much . Man it opens real fast though!
If you go to bladeforums.com opening page and click on Reviews (this is different than the Review Forum), there is a good review by Dexter Ewing.
Thanks Frank! Saves me a bit of work here

GENE!! Where are you, man? Your two cents are wanted here. Heh heh.
Good blade, and good handle ergonomics, but the handle and lock are too wimpy for a "combat" folder in my opinion. The G-10 slabs are not backed up by any metal liner. If you really crank on it, the handle will flex, and the lock will creep. Sometimes you need a pair of pliers to release it. I have heard a couple of reports from fire fighters of the lock jamming so bad they couldn't close 'em. One guy was in the middle of a rescue rappel, and had to toss his knife rather than descend with an open blade.

Good blade though. Good cutting efficiency, excellent edge retention.

Get the Wegner, or an AFCK, or wait for the new Terzoula, presuming it will be built like the Wegner.


[This message has been edited by Steve Harvey (edited 11-06-98).]
Well, here we go again! You just cannot go wrong with a Military. Go for the new improved model, with the stronger three screw clip, harder linerlock material, SS torx head assembly, stop pin threaded and screwed together from both sides, and of course wonderful CPM440V steel! Do not, I repeat, do not worry about metal liners. The G-10 is very strong, and this knife has a pair of steel posts in the back spacer, and is as rugged and sturdy as any folder on the market. Yes, it is a LARGE folder, but it's light weight and thinness, belies it's size. As already stated, it is one of the easiest folders you will ever open, as it has the largest of all Syderholes. Or if you prefer, a quick and deliberate flick of the wrist, and magically it's ready. The blade is one of the largest, and most handy you could ever use. Nice meaty spine that tapers down to one of the sharpest edges you've ever experienced, (NOTHING beats a good flat grind). Lots of "belly" to do any cutting chore that you could ask of it. And, (one of my favorites), that nice "weight forward" balance, that only a substantial blade can offer< (and offers that easy "flickability" I mentioned above). The CPM440V steel is one of the best edge holding steels there are, (not to mention one of the best stain resistant steels). You can really "use" this stuff, and not have to worry about sharpening it for a long, long, time. And come on now, isn't that one of the things we all look for in a great knife? I know folks on these forums will warn you about it's "brittleness", but don't worry, this thing has enough toughness to do most knife chores you will ever attempt. How do I know? I have been carrying a new model Military daily for almost a year, and I have really used it, and hard. And besides, don't listen to some of these forum folks. I love 'em all, but very few of them ever actually USE their knives, let alone "hard".
Sure, there are other great folders out there, and we all have our preferences, but as I stated at the outset, Martin, you can't go wrong with a Spydie Military. Hope to welcome you to the "Military Man" club soon.
AMEN to everything Gene said.
I bought a new Military about one month ago,
and it has become my new daily carry knife.
I did carry a AFCK or Genesis, but since the Military arrived the others haven't left my dresser.
Welcome to the fold my friend! You are now the newest member of "The Military Men!"

I guess that makes ME the newest member, as I got mine today from Tim Flanagan of Nor'east Knives.

I suppose I just got tired of hearing you, and Dex and Tim singing the praises of this knife, so I had to see for myself.

First impression is that it is a BIG knife, but as you say, it is light and comfy to carry.
(I wish it would ride just a tad lower in the pocket, but hey, that's life in the big city.)

Tim eyeballed mine before shipping, so I got a very nice specimen and didn't have to worry about any flaws. The edge is very sharp out of the box, and the grind spot on.

Overall, I'd have to say blade, edge, fit and finish are excellent, and this knife should be a real horse. The G-10 alone may not be as strong as my Wegner Jr, REKAT Pioneer or Sebenza, but I think it'll be up to most any task I'd be expected to ask of it and more.

It is a BIG knife, though!


I guess that makes *me* a new member of the Military Men club too because I just bought one the other day and I am awaiting its delivery. I can't wait to get it and my decision was very much influenced by the reviews this knife had in these forums.

Hey, do we get a free decoder ring for joining the club?

Antonella Giordano

------------------ My former user ID was "Antonella"--it's still me!

[This message has been edited by AGiordano (edited 11-03-98).]
Welcome Blues and Antonella to the club! You're both gonna learn to love this knife.
Blues, that makes us even, because if it wasn't for your raves, I wouldn't have my large Sebenza now. And Antonella, we're working on the decoder rings. Also, when that big pointed blade is open, watch out! It will cut everything in sight. I'll tell you all an experience I had a couple of days ago. I was cutting some new carpet for the back of my little 4WD station wagon. I had the carpeting laying on concrete, (does anyone see "disaster" looming)? I was cutting the carpet using a pattern I made from cardboard, and yes, I was using my trusty Military, (that also cut the cardboard pattern). I swear this thing cut that carpet easier and faster than a razor knife. Anyway, my Military was cutting the carpet like butter, and the blade repeatedly would scrape on the concrete below. I was trying to be careful, but as I said it went through the carpet too easily and kept making contact with the cement. I went ahead and cut out the pattern. Without thinking about the knife, I layed it down and went and completed the carpet installation. When I was finished, I thought about the knife and picked it up, gave the blade a wipe on my pants, and looked at the blade carefully. Not a chip or mar anywhere on the edge! Now, I've heard about the brittleness of 440V, but my blade sure didn't show any. In fact the edge was still shaving sharp! Man, does this thing cut. Enjoy folks, and again, welcome to the club. MARCH ON MILITARY MEN, (AND WOMEN)!

[This message has been edited by Gene (edited 11-04-98).]

Is your fabled Military plain or serrated? I'm hankering for one myself. I wanna party with you, cowboy.

Hope you get a Military model. They truly are great knives and I can assure you that you'll be happy with it. I think Gene has a plain edge, but I'll let him jump in here as well and try to "bully" you into getting one. Heh heh! Hope you will join the ranks of the "Military People"

Dexter Ewing
Knife Reviews Moderator

Howdy pardner! Dex is correct, I have the plain edge. I'm a "plain" sorta guy. I just like plain edges 'cause I feel a good sharp plain edge will do 99% of what a serrated edge will. Plus, they're a breeze to sharpen. But I will make a confession to you. I like 440V so much, and because of Dexter's prodding, (pun intended), I'm shopping around for a serrated Military. Hey, these things are so good I might as well have both! So get on your horse and ride out and get your Military pard. You'll love it. Welcome to the club and let's RODEO!
Glad to join such a distinguished club!!!
Now if only they had a smaller version Military as well.
Gene - I see that you're gonna go the "double barrel" route and carry two Militaries. You be sure to give us a report on the performance of the serrated one as well. That thing is like a pocket chainsaw!

Dexter Ewing
Knife Reviews Moderator

I have a Military serrated in ATS34 and a plain edge in 440V. I've always liked them a lot because of the slim profile and BIG blade it packs in the package!

I bought the plain edge 440v becuase I've read wonderful things about the edgeholding. Since I haven't had it long enought to tell, anyone have any comments about edgeholding and ease of sharpening?

I normally have an M2 AFCK that I carry daily and its edge would last ~30% longer than the ATS34 version.

Dexter, I can't wait. I'm going double barreled! And you bet ya'll will get a thorough report. Welcome to all the newest members! Your all a fine bunch. I can see the club t-shirts now. Plain and serrated Militarys cross-bladed, with the words "I'M A MILITARY MAN!" across the bottom. I know we now have a lady, (hello Antonella), in the club, but from what I've read in her posts, she sounds like she's alright in my book, (how could she not be, she ordered a Military). Besides, The Military People, or The Military Folks or whatever, sounds too P.C. and lame. So what we can do, is for all the ladies that want to be in the club, we'll have special shirts with the "Man" X'd out and "Woman" put in it's place. This club get's bigger every day. I love it. Hold your Militarys high club members!(Be careful though and don't punch a hole through the roof).
Glad to see that they fixed the production problems on the Military series. I had one of the first production models in ATS-34 and a black TiN finish.

To put in the king's English, "it sucked hard!" Blade rusted like crazy, G10 turned white, then a funky brown, clip wouldn't stay tight and then bent at the attachment juncture, liner went to the opposite side, and the blade had both lateral and vertical play. But the over all ergonomics of the knife is great, and I love the blade shape plus the slim profile. I have a feeling that a plain edge CPMV440 is in my future...

Oh, also tried to get spyderco to exchange it for a newer one, they balked. Wouldn't even replace my bent clip with a new one, let alone a three screw model.
Yep, I have issues with pocket clips. All those who carry ITWB do.
Take care