Spyderco Rookie

Dec 30, 2002
I have been out of the Spyderco loop until last week when I received my LHCFS Police from New Graham Knives. Before that my last purchase was a Military back in 96-97.

I recently saw the Rookie as a discontinued model at an Internet Knife dealer. I am wondering why this knife never got a following like the police model did?

It seems to me as a smaller version of the Police that the Rookie would make an excellent EDC and should be more popular than the Delica models.

Any long time Spyderco people care to enlighten me?

I've always wondered the same. The Rookie is a great knife that travels just as well as it's larger brother. I had a SS Rookie for the longest time but I traded it for something else that at the time looked more appealing. I wish I had one in G10 right now :(
I have two of the G-10 plainedge versions. One is an older version without any metal liner and the second has a metal liner on the inside of the G-10 clipside. When I received the first one, it was smaller than I expected. I wasn't real fond of it initially and tried to kill it. It wouldn't die. I began using it as my water knife (wore it white water rafting, swimming, hiking in the rain etc.) and it has held up perfectly. Some people have mentioned that ATS-55 has rusted badly for them, but I have not had that problem with any of my ATS-55 blades. The G-10 Rookie is my most used and carried folding knife for camping. It is like a folding paring knife and works great for cutting meat, apples etc. The blade is similar to the mini AFCK, which is another knife I had carried for a few years and really like. I bought the second Rookie as a replacement, but have not needed it yet after really using the heck out of my first Rookie for about the last 5 or so years. I highly recommend the G-10 version if you can find one.
I was never a really big fan, but I happened upon a G-10 model a few years ago and couldn't resist. I carried great, but I like something a bit wider in my hand when cutting. However, my brother-in-law fell in love with it, so it made a good birthday present for him. He used it for over 2 years, but then lost it. He was unable to find another G-10 model, so he got the stainless one and loves it.

To each his own!
For some reason, Spyderco has discontinued some very excellent knives over the years, and I have to say that the Rookie is right near the top of the list of Spydies that should NOT have been DC'd.