Spyderco Starmate


knife law moderator
Dec 25, 1998
Has anyone heard anything about a release date for this long awaited knife? Has anyone actually seen one up close and personal, if so what can be said of this knife? What will the list price be?
Re: Bob Terzuola designed "Starmate". Blades and scales have been cut and are currently flowing through Golden facility. MRSP is unfortunately up there with the Military (starmate is 440V) although we're still refining production on this model. We'll try to get the price as low as we can without compromising the design, material or quality level. Barring unforseen glitches, you shoud see them hitting the "collector club" and early orders in FEB. Very nice piece. In my opinion, Bob's best.
Mr. Gleser - thanks for the update! I agree with you, it is probably Terzuola's best folder. Though I own the custom Starfighter, I'm really looking forward to the Starmate. Are you planning on putting the SecureLock safety on it? I remember the prototype I saw at the Blade Show had the safety on there but it was not determined at that time if it would be on that knife. Thanks in advance.

Dexter Ewing
Knife Reviews Moderator

"The keystroke is mightier than the sword"

I am just grateful Spyderco has the vision
to produce more blades in 440V.After spending
several months with the Military-2,I am
spoiled to the point where anything less
has become unacceptable.
Thanx for the encouragement. No SecurLok on the first run. We felt that Frank's invention should debut on his knife first. Next run of Military and Starmate will probably include SecurLok. Linerlocks are very difficult to make so they perform effectively over the long haul. We are fortunate to have exceptional people in R&D and engineering that we do. We believe our Linerlocks will perform well, but that SecurLok is just a "really nice" feature, like an airbag in your auto. Difficult to build though. The entire mechanism is nested into the .125 scale. Some really long nights for Frank Centofante and Vince Ford. Since the SecurLok operates on the blade and not on the lock, we plan to try it on a lockback in the future.
Mr. Glesser - thanks for your prompt response. WOW - next run of C36's will have the safety? Oh happy day
You have left me no other choice but to save up to add yet another C36 to my "arsenal"!

Dexter Ewing
Knife Reviews Moderator

"The keystroke is mightier than the sword"

Sal -- thanks for your great comments on the Starmate -- I was holding out for it (and the new Sharpmaker!) as my "big" Christmas presents this year. While I was a little bummed that they didn't make Christmas, I have no problem waiting now that I know they are indeed coming down the pipe.

While I know it must be a struggle to keep costs down to not end up over-pricing the knife out of the market, please continue your plans of using high quality steel and construction! I'm certainly not going to try to claim to know your market, but I'm guessing that the knife will be in the MSRP of $200 or better, and if it costs an extra $10 or $30 extra in the end to use slightly better materials here and there, you aren't going to scare off people that are shopping at that price point, they will appreciate the difference.

...and additional praises to your using 440v. Spyderco was the company that started me on the runaway train of knife collecting and it's great to see them keeping pace with my continued evolution of "needs"!

Doug - thanks for the kind words. We don't compromise much an any products and margins are fixed to mfg cost. The Starmate is a beautiful design and we will try our best to deliver the best possible piece. Even our "plastic" knives are pretty expensive, but quality materials and quality craftsmanship costs more.