Okee dokee, I just received my production SWICK from New Graham today (first time from them, and everything I've read on the Bladeforums is true...GREAT SERVICE!!!). Anywho, my initial comparisons to my concept SWICK: blade seems slightly thinner (which is fine by me), index-finger hole is slightly larger (also totally fine), and the sheath is fantastic (leaves it up to the individual to decide on how they want to carry it)! After just seeing the produ Swick, I still think it will handle everything the concept model did ( <http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/sh...2&page=4&pp=20 >...you might have to read through a bunch of sh*t, but you'll get to the meat and potatoes of my testing). I'll let ya'll know as I use it. Either way, I believe now, more than ever, that the SWICK is the best neck knife/fixed EDC to hit the market...Ever!