Spyderco used in "Training Day"

Feb 2, 2002
For those of you Spyderco users who watched and appreciated the movie "Training Day", I have a question. What was the model of Spyderco that Alonzo Harris (D. Washington) pulled during the movie? It looked pretty bad ass and I would like to have one. Thank you.
Police model. Stainless handles. You can tell because in the movie it has a nice shot of it and you can clearly see the POLICE stamped on the side of the blade.
If I recall correctly it was a standard serrated Police model C07S.
Do ALL police models have "POLICE" stamped on the side of the blade?
If so, a friend of mine may have a SS endure plainedge from a few years back.
Almost all have the Police etched or stamped into the blade. Since both the Police and Endura have been made with several grinds and at least two types of steel, the easiest way to tell any two apart is the handle shape, which hasn't changed. The Police will have a blunt tapered point on the butt end of the handle. The Endura lightweight has a squared off edge. The Endura SS has a slight taper, but it's still squared at some point.

There are also some limited runs of the Police without anything etched into the blade, and some with P.I.G. (Pride Integrity Guts) on them (for obvious reasons, this wasn't done for long).

The Police has undergone so many changes through the years that identifying it by any one feature besides the handle is extremely difficult.