Spydie Endura... Meet Mr. Dremel

Charlie Mike

Sober since 1-7-14 (still a Paranoid Nutjob)
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Nov 1, 2000
I bought one of the VG10 50/50 FRN enduras at the Ft. Benning PX and though it was just a Spydie, it was a knife nonetheless. I was used to waving Emersons when I was a civvy and after a while, lightening hit my 8-up brain. What would happe if I were to take a Dremel tool to the Spydie hole and make my own wave? I don't have any qualms ruining this knife but I'd like to do it as clean and nicely as possible. If anyone else has considered dong this or did it, tell me how the rsults were. A waved Endura... or perhaps a future BM806 would be sweet.
"... and though it was just a Spydie, it was a knife nonetheless."


Does not compute. Does not compute. :confused:
For a less permanent alternative, you can tie a zip tie through the hole and then clip it off leaving a small portion to catch on the edge of your pocket and open the blade as you withdraw the knife.
I'm used to BM's, Emersons, and MT's. Being without a knife for about 13 weeks, I was glad to have something clipped to my pocket, even though I am used to much nicer weapons/tools.
I did the same thing to mine. Instead of cutting into the hole. cut a notch slightly in front of the hole. Then sand the back of the blade to match the profile of the notch. Mine looks like it came from the factory and it works great.
Here you go.

Edit - BTW it's not mine. This one was done by TOTC.


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I must be thick but can someone explain how to "wave" open a knife?
BTW Bok, doesn't that cut seriouslt compromise lateral strength?
The wave is when you can pull the knife out of your pocket by the end opposite the pivot, and the catch in the knife grabs the edge of you pocket on the way out and flips it open.

I almost agreed with the decrease in strength, but when you think of trying to purposely bend the remaining metal with your hands, it seems to me it would take too much force to make it a significant possibility. Kind of like lock failures, if it is above the strength you have in your hand, it probably isn't a problem.

The only thing I would change on that Merlin is, I would grind off more of the hook piece. I would make it just about as big as an actual Emerson. Just looks like that hook would catch too easily inside the pocket, opening up too soon.

