Stag handled Trailmaster

Feb 19, 2001
I have a Stag handled Trailmaster. The specs say it is l.7 oz. lighter than the Kraton handled one. I have read that the tang was "modified" for the stag handle, so I am assuming that steel was removed for this purpose, hence, the weight loss? Was it "removed"(that is, ground away or something) from a standard blade or cut differently, from the beginning, specifically for the stag handle? Any practical negative or positive impact from this practice? How is the stag handle attached? I have heard stories of the Kraton handles coming off, dissolving, causing blisters, etc so is this stag handle better or not as good? Why? I have a Recon Scout and been happy with the Kraton. Thanks, John
I believe that the tang is altered (shortened) and a short piece of chain is attached, which connects to the butt cap. That would allow for the natural curve of the stag. They are beautiful pieces.
I agree that the trailmaster is a great design. I love the look of the knife. Judging by the handle construction methods I suspect that the kraton version would be stronger per se, but I imagine that the stag version would be stong enough for most chores. On the Cold Steel Proof video if you look closely you can see an allen key through the thong hole on the thrailmaster that they test in some instances. I was told by some forumites that if they didn't do this the kraton handle would slip off! But I don't know who jams their bowie into crevases and geabs two of their buddies and hangs from the handle of their bowie knife. I figure that for most purposes kraton does the job. I do not prefer it, but it does do the job. The handle on my LTC kukri is a kick butt, secure handle. Enjoy your bowie.

"Come What May..."
I not only have a Trailmaster in stag, I liked it so much I got the Black Bear Classic in stag to go with it.


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