Stag Hunter

Sep 27, 2002
Forged 1084 with stainless fittings. Thanks for looking. Brett

Very nicely done. Neat clean work. Nice stag slabs. Hey, I see some Primos and Fisk-like influences in the pattern. I'm presuming thats a reflection rather than a temper line. Any others, Brett ?
Just kidding. There is a quench line but it is subtle. What you see is indeed reflections. I am trying to better my pics and experiment with lighting and such. Thanks for your comments Jason. Brett
This is a style I have come to admire very much and this one is a very good example. What looks to be some very nice stag and a high quality finish. The fit looks to be excellent as well.
Looking good Brett. :) If you're coming to the meeting at Uncle Al's this month, bring some along for "show-and-tell".
Thanks for the comments fellas, I am glad you enjoyed it. Terry, I should be there as well as Roger. I have to bring something this month, I feel bad about eating without bringing anything. Don't you?? Brett
I like this knife of yours a lot. As for influences, I think it looks more like one of Roger Massey's hunters, than a Fisk or Primos. Again, I really like this hunter.
Kidding...again! Yes I see more of Roger's influence than any, but Primos and Fisk are huge inspirations as well. Danbo, I believe we have met at the Little Rock show. You should know Massey's influence when you see it! Thanks for the comments, theyre greatly appreciated.
Very nice...thanks! Could you give some dimensions on that piece.., and the thickness of the 1084?

"Hunters seek what they [WANT].., Seekers hunt what they [NEED]"