State wiith the best knife laws?

Here in Indy they only have a problem with autos and ninja stars, though I have not seen the ninja star law ever enforced.:rolleyes:
Apparently you can carry up to 6" concealed and after that you can still carry but can't conceal.
Try searching this forum for Louisiana. I have read here that Louisiana allows just about anything.
Colorado knife laws suck!

Can anyone help me with the term concealed as you understand it?

Is a knife in your pocket with the clip exposed concealed?

Is a knife in a sheath on your belt concealed? What if it's cold out and your coat covers the sheath? Too many gray areas in knife laws for police and lawyers to interpret!
WV is Almost Heaven!

While a number of knives are considered "dangerous weapons", the law only says you can't conceal a dangerous weapon. You can buy, sell, carry, etc.

Didn't use to be that way...Up until 1977, there were quite a number of knives outlawed. In 1977 West Virginia changed it's constitution to include the right to bear arms as an inherent State Right.

Things went along as before until 1988 when there was a court case that determined the articles banning these "dangerous weapons" were unconstitutional! The articles were amended to just making the concealment of such items illegal.

West Virginia may be the only state that has ever repealed it's switchblade ban. (However accidentally it may have been.) The way it happened may be something to consider. In fact, I believe, that all of the states that allow open carry of automatics have the "right to bear arms" as part of their constitutions.

Just something to think about,

alchemy knife