steak knives?

Jun 30, 2000
I am wondering what you knife experts out there eat with? I have needed to purchase knives for my kitchen for over a year now but I am quite picky and have not yet found any that spark my fancy. Currently I use balisongs for everything I do in the kitchen! :D I think I could do with just one utility knife and a set of 4 steak knives. Hopefully they would match. I am looking for quality, nice knives with a modern look. My kitchen's theme is black and steel.

Thanks for the help! :)
I like steak knives that can do some utility work, but mostly can tolerate going into the dishwasher. The ones that I use the most are not the most sophisticated cutting instruments, but they look ok and have metal handles that are unaffected by the dishwasher. I have two patterns from Carvel Hall ("Leisure" and "Byfield") and a similar pattern from an obscure Solingen cutler.

For a utility kitchen knife I would look at the Spyderco designs. They are black handled and have excellent steel that is really sharp.
Hmmm, I'm not too worried about having to wash the steak knives by hand, however the utility knife will have to be able to stand up to being used without being wiped off right away. I've ruined a knife cutting a lime and letting it sit for too long before cleaning. :( Does anyone know how the Wüsthof or Spyderco utility kitchen knives hold up versus the acids and such associated with preparing food?

I've been looking at the Wüsthof steak knives...



...they have them with those metal handles which I'm not sure I like because it almost feels like a chalkboard (I held one in a store). Maybe I could get used to it. They also have them with black texture plastic or black smooth handles...



...I pretty much dismissed the black textured handles as they feel cheaper than the others.

Henckels makes some nice knives but I think I just prefer the Wüsthof logo. :) I found some Spyderco knives here and here, though I'm not sure if they are what I want as the pictures are so small. Researching this has found me looking at titanium and even ceramic (here and here) kitchen knives.

There's a lot of options here when choosing a kitchen knife! I had thought that here, where the most knife fanatics hang out, that most of you would have already walked this path and would have something to share! ;) Don't be shy! :D