Steel Heart customizing.

Jul 2, 2001
Hey Hogs,

I believe I want to send my combat grade SH-e in for a little makeover. I'm looking at a satin finish and a little clip on the point.

What do you think we are looking at here for cost?

Also, are you sure the clip work will in no way damage the temper of the blade?

Probably best to e-mail Jerry about this or give him a call directly. That way you can avoid any speculation...
the Satin finish is not as big a problem as the clip point. Putting a clip point on your SH would risk jeopardizing the temper of the blade since it has already been heat treated. Bottom line is Jerry won't do it.

Also, to take an existing SH combat grade to a satin finish would require removing the handles, so it would take longer and be more expensive than you would otherwise think.

My suggestion is ordering a new one from the shop just as you want.
