Sterile Kerambit

Nov 1, 2000
Here is a pic of a deep acid etched kerambit I just finished. the deep acid etch was requested by the customer to eliminate glare from the blade. The blade is forged 1084, 3 1/2" long. The knife has a nice distal taper as well as tapered tang. The handle slabs are carbon fiber. I am also finishing one out this weekend, for the same customer, with a satin hand sanded finish and hippo ivory scales. Just thought I would post a pic of this because it is a little different from the bowies that I have been making.


That is a great looking knife. I am starting to gain an appreciation for this style. This is one of the nicest kerambits I have seen.
I got to hold this one before it was heat treated and finished. It's bigger than you might think. Also, that skull crusher thingamabob makes all the difference in this knife's style. Great job! Now, where's my knife? :)
Thanks guys!

I will be starting on yours later this week Dan! I am looking forward to working on it!