Steve Ferguson, and others here, are humans of great heart.

I have been a member here for maybe 3 days.
Already I find yall to be caring, giving folks.
A very nice discovery!

I hadn't thought about it like 'proving it'; but yes, they are of great heart.

Welcome DaddyDett.

Welcome DaddyDet. Didn't you snag a DOTD already. That's pretty good for 3 days. Stick around the guys here will continue to impress with wisdom and goodness. Plus they're all knife freaks too. I like that.
aproy1101 said:
Welcome DaddyDet. Didn't you snag a DOTD already. That's pretty good for 3 days. Stick around the guys here will continue to impress with wisdom and goodness. Plus they're all knife freaks too. I like that.

Thanks, aproy. Yeah, the 12 in. BAS yesterday. My G/F is going to freak when she finds that in her drawer. She is a bigger knife afficianado than I am.
It’s funny.

Why are people on a knife and sword forum going far out of their way to do unusual things?

There is a certain state of imbalance created when one of us buys his (or her) 20th martial implement and finds that there are no more places under the bed or in the closet to put them. We joke about it and call it HIKV, but that does not mean it is not real.

Mr. Ferguson and others have come up with successful ways of dealing with the imbalance of energy.

We have a lot to learn from each other. There are profound teachers here, and the light of wisdom appears to jump from soul to soul, sometimes appearing in one person’s post, sometimes in another’s.

As Bill used to say:

What does this have to do with khukuris?


We have a lot to learn from each other. There are profound teachers here, and the light of wisdom appears to jump from soul to soul, sometimes appearing in one person’s post, sometimes in another’s

I like that idea. I think it's always in us, but it isn't always able to shine through.
Heck yes, Howard; raffle the suckers off to welcome hands.


Anyone notice that Steve Ferguson even looks like a nice guy?

munk said:
Anyone notice that Steve Ferguson even looks like a nice guy?


That's funny, I thought the same thing when I first saw his picture. Regular, friendly, stand-up sort of guy.

Recently, I have become certain my original thoughts were correct.