Still looking for a knife! Help!

Jun 19, 1999
Well, I still haven't found a knife yet. The Spyderco's are starting to look good! The Carnivour is too small, the Sifu isn't what I tought it would be. The CS Folders aren't special, the Benchmades still look ugly, and on and on! Ugh! I may have to settle for a lower grade production knife. Any reccomendations on custom makers or knives that aren't very popular or that I probably haven't heard about? Folders only, please. Hmm, maybe the Sebenza?


"How I wish that somewhere there existed an island for those that are wise and of good will." -Albert Einstein
Maybe get a decorated Sebenza, there are a whole crap-load of variations.

(I mean a "whole lot")

"All of our knives open with one hand, in case you're busy with the other"
Get yourself a copy of Ken Warners Knives 99 or for that matter any year and check out the vast array of custom made knives and it also includes names and address 's of the makers
The Sebenza isn't any bigger than the Carnivour.

Can you tell us exactly what you're looking for, again? The fact that you're describing the Benchmades as ugly, does that mean you place a high value on aesthetics, even at the expense of performance? If the Carnivours are too small, what size blade are you looking for exactly?

4" blade? Have you looked at the Axis? Performance, looks, ergonomics, and nice sized blade all in one.

Anything MT!
I'd say a Dragon Slayer!
Hey, would anybody here expect me to say anything any less predictable!
I don't know what your price range is, but have you given R. J. Martin a try? I handled one of his folders once, and I've been meaning to get one since. Because they're custom, perhaps you can talk to Mr. Martin and specify the blade length you'd like. See him at:

"A fear of weaponry is a sure sign of neuroses."
Crawfords are great handmade knives and he usually has something in available for immediate shipping. The big question is what do you want the knife to do for you? Utility first, defense second? Defense first utility second? Utilty only? Defense only? Cool toy to have in your pocket?

[This message has been edited by Dirk (edited 05 July 1999).]
You have got to at least try the Spydie Endura. I have lots of knives, that is the one I carry, always. Great price, lightweight, good size blade. It is always there when you need it.

You cannot go wrong with it,IMO.
I don't understand the problem here. There is so much information available, perhaps it is analysis paralysis. May I suggest you do like the rest of us suffering from iron defeciency did. Just reach out and buy one, or two or three ect for that matter. If you don't like them, someone on this forum will think they have just found a diamond and buy em from you. Sometimes it seems like buying and selling is fun in and of itself, on top of owning and using. Life is short, so many knives.....

What? Another knife? Don't you have enough of those things already?
How many does one person need?
How about a Crawford Point Guard with titanium or alum. handles, depending on how much you are willing to spend. Are you looking for a production knife, or a custom?

"All of our knives open with one hand, in case you're busy with the other"
Here is a step by step approach to knife selection:

1. Go to your local knife shop
2. look for a comfortable handle
3. look for a knife/sheath that meet your
preferred carry method?
4. Can your wallet accommodate the price
5. If so, purchase knife
6. Go home and play with knife
7. repeat step 1

Think about Spyderco (good quality and large variety) to start off with, and upgrade to custom when you have decided on a particular style.
Joe et all, i am sorry I was not more specific. I am looking for either a custom or production knife, but of good quality. It must be a folding blade for utility first, defense second. Something with a blade of 4-6 inches and a handle of 4-6 inches. It should have a good overall steel, nothing lower-grade than AUS-8 or ATS-34, but possibly a CPM 440V or a Talonite. It should have handles made of a modern material such as a glass-filled nylon or plastic, or an aluminum or steel, including anything with a rubber coating or rubber insets. Mainly for camping, hiking, utility work. Price less that $250. Also, the handle and blade should be relatively wide, with good ergonomics. I also go for looks, but don't most of the Benchmades or Spydercos. Just preference.
There are not a lot of options for folders over 4" and less than $250. Kit Carson makes an excellent folder at 5", but it is way over the price limit. Cold Steel makes a few over 4" and well within the price range, but you seem to have ruled them out. You are going to be limited to 4" folders. I would suggest the AFCK, but you don't seem too thrilled with Benchmade. My suggestions would then go to the Genesis or the Spyderco Military. Both of them are great knives. The Military has a very loyal following and I have had a couple and they performed well enough for me. I have not used the Genesis, but Bob Kasper did a review in Combat Knives and seemed to be impressed with it. Buck also makes some good utility folders, but I am unsure of the metal they are currently using.
I'd go for the Spydie Military myself. If you're willing to get something a little less imposing, the Delica and Endura are excellent. You can find much lower-quality knives with much higher price tags.

Ted Stewart
"If it was a concealed weapon, then why would I use it to open a parcel?"
You should try a cold steel Vaquero Grande.It has a 6"blade and the new version has a pocket clip.
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