Stockman Handle Advice

Jan 30, 2001
It looks like I'll be ordering a Queen Stockman soon, and really like the black cherry delrin handles. I can't decide to go with jigged or smooth. Is there any practical difference, or is the choice purely aesthetics?

Jigged will give you a little better grip. With that said I like the feel of the smooth better. Great help huh? :)
My vote would be jigged... I bought one for my brother for Christmas, and almost didn't give it to him! I have a feeling that the large cherry jigged stockman will be my next slipjoint purchase. I honestly think that you couldn't go wrong with either. Heck, get both... don't you get bored carrying the same knife every day?
Thanks guys,

I kind of thought the jigged would give better grip, but wasn't sure if there was a huge preference, or if one was more traditional looking (in Delrin ;)).

Getting both sounds good... :D
I just received a cherry jigged canoe, and it looks and feels good. But I just ordered a Cattle King 4 1/4" stockman in carved stag bone. Just looks great to me, can't wait to get it.
