Stop Refreshing

Eric Isaacson

Dec 19, 1999
Jerry called and said to please stop refreshing. He has been trying to post the pics and he is locked up.

He is posting a new thread. Please be patient his hamster powered modem can not run any faster

He also said there will be a new thread for each model. However he didn't tell me how many models :D:D
Originally posted by Eric Isaacson
Jerry called and said to please stop refreshing. He has been trying to post the pics and he is locked up.

He is posting a new thread. Please be patient his hamster powered modem can not run any faster

He also said there will be a new thread for each model. However he didn't tell me how many models :D:D

Tell jerry to get a bigger hamster!:p
You would figure that there would be some Hog out there that is so desirus of getting some rare INFI that they would contribute to the GET JERRY BUSSE A CABLE MODEM FUND:p