Strider SnG Follow-up, plus new pictures...

Jun 5, 2002
Well, i wrote a review of this knife a little while back, and i thought id give a brief follow-up after having used it for a while now. In fact, its the first relatively expensive knife of mine i ever had the courage to use, but as others have said, the knife really does scream to be used, its just that kind of knife. It is the newer SnG which has the stonewashed/tool finish, which is a GREAT thing on a user since it doesnt show use, which is another reason i decided to make it a user.

(Just for your info, i believe that my initial review was of the first SnG i bought, which was the older version, i ended up buying some newer SnG's shortly thereafter, the stonewashed versions, and to be clear, it is this newer, stonewashed version my follow-up review is based on. Though, honestly, aside from cosmetics, both knives are virtually identical in every respect, so it really doesnt matter anyway.)

Well, let's see, the framelock's lockup is still perfect, hasnt moved over to the right at ALL, and as picky as i am about lock engagement, i have no complaints. The blade still has zero play. The edge is still shaving, if not "hair popping" sharp without being resharpened, the wonders of S30V. If anything, the action is a little smoother than when i first got it and now the lock disengages a little easier, it was VERY stiff when i first got it, most are and then break in with use. True, it hasnt seen hard use, mostly boxes and other light chores, but i have little doubt it will serve me well if and when the heavy stuff comes along.

In any case, i really like this knife a lot, it is exactly the kind of knife i like, built like a tank, with a neat design and well put together. Do i like it as much as my Sebenza, well, that's a tough question, theyre different knives, but i would say that theyre both very well built, extremely strong knives and either will serve you well.

I took a few pictures of 2 of my SnG's, one is the older version, one is the newer version, and posted them in the now non-existant Strider forum, but you can see them by clicking here: (Let me know what you think of the pics, it's sort of a casual hobby of mine.)
Man, I hate those pics ... they make me want to go out and spend money :p (You did a good job, the pictures were very dramatic but also clear and descriptive.)
Very good pics, and an awesome knife!!

I think the Strider guys have done a great job.

What's the price point on that line?
Thanks Code3 for the kind words and Esav too. :)

I agree that the Strider guys definitely have a winner in the SnG, moreso than the still very popular AR/GB series of folders. While i like the AR for its incredible size and build quality that rivals, heck, beats some tanks, the SnG is the more practical knife, and probably every bit as strong with its very thick framelock.

I never thought id see a lock that seemed as strong to me as a Sebenza, and the SnG's lock honestly seems just as strong and well done.

I actually started a thread on the now absent Strider forum asking people which knife they thought was the better knife, the large Sebenza or the SnG. I was and am still undecided, i like them both, most of the guys over there, of course, chose the SnG, in fact, many said it blew the Sebenza away, well, the SnG is surely a nice knife, BUT, it does NOT, in my opinion, blow away a Sebenza, i think some of those guys werent giving the Sebenza enough credit, but of course thats their opinion, as im entitled to mine, and as i said, its a toss up, each is extremely strong, each has top of the line materials, each is solid and well put together, as i said in that thread, i would have to say that the Sebenza is the slightly more refined knife, but that doesnt necessarily mean its the better knife, in the end, theyre both excellent knives, and it comes down to your tastes, the SnG is definitely the more agressive of the 2.

The Strider costs a little more, but they also hold their value a little better, so in the end, its almost the same price point, and of course, theyre of similar size, both framelocks, both S30V blades and Ti handles, and both are "semi-custom", so i thought a comparison was appropriate, and luckily i didnt get slammed over there for suggesting that the Sebenza definitely gives the SnG some serious competition. I think they understood that i wasnt bashing Strider at all, to the contrary, i had just bought one, but i did wonder how people felt the 2 knives stacked up and i did diplomatically voice my enthusiasm for my beloved Sebenza. :)

Well, you know what they say, if you cant decide, get both, and thats just what i did, but i went a little overboard and bought a few SnG's, where i only currently have one large wood inlay Sebenza, a deficiency im trying very hard to correct, having just seen an incredible large classic Sebenza with Ebony and gold inlay at BA yesterday, oh my god was that knife smooth and perfect. Just couldnt swing it though, maybe next month.

To answer Code 3's question, the SnG's sell for $400, and as im sure you know, list price equals street price, dealers, in my experience, dont discount Strider folders, theyre too easy to sell, and generally, the dealers are sold out by pre-orders before they even get the knives in. Your best bet if you want one is to pre-order through one of the Strider dealers.

Anyway, thanks again for the compliments on the pics, i enjoy taking pics of knives and other cool stuff.
Excellent photo work, Megalobyte.

I wouldn't mind trying to take some pictures of one, so when you're tired of your knife, send it over here for photo shoot!
