I recently bought a Manix and found that as I opened and closed the blade the pivot screw would loosen causing it to slowly work its way out. So I decided to locktite it. I had always been using an alan key to tighten the screw that had been coming loose and figured all the other screws were alan keys...When i took the screw out and locktited it i started to screw it back in and then realized the other side of the screw was turning also and the screw wasnt moving. So I said no problem and tried to hold the other screw in place with the same sized alan key. Thats when it happened!...the other side was a star key which I didnt own! so by the time Irelized this the thing had begun to harden a little and I couldnt even unscrew it because the opposite side would turn not alllowing and screwing or unscrewing...so luckily i was near a hardware store and decided to run their and fast (was doing this in my truck outside the gun store I got the loctite in). I went in a bought the star key and tried to continue turning it but just stripped the screw....now i have a slightly loose blade and no way to loosen or tighten the pivot and its loctited in place...I was wonder what you guys would suggest doing? Is their a good file I can get a hold of and maybe file the head of a phillips screwdriver into the top of the bolt and then loosen it with a normal screwdriver? Any suggestions?
Thank You.
Thank You.