Stripped Pivot screw! Help!?

Jul 15, 2005
I recently bought a Manix and found that as I opened and closed the blade the pivot screw would loosen causing it to slowly work its way out. So I decided to locktite it. I had always been using an alan key to tighten the screw that had been coming loose and figured all the other screws were alan keys...When i took the screw out and locktited it i started to screw it back in and then realized the other side of the screw was turning also and the screw wasnt moving. So I said no problem and tried to hold the other screw in place with the same sized alan key. Thats when it happened!...the other side was a star key which I didnt own! so by the time Irelized this the thing had begun to harden a little and I couldnt even unscrew it because the opposite side would turn not alllowing and screwing or luckily i was near a hardware store and decided to run their and fast (was doing this in my truck outside the gun store I got the loctite in). I went in a bought the star key and tried to continue turning it but just stripped the i have a slightly loose blade and no way to loosen or tighten the pivot and its loctited in place...I was wonder what you guys would suggest doing? Is their a good file I can get a hold of and maybe file the head of a phillips screwdriver into the top of the bolt and then loosen it with a normal screwdriver? Any suggestions?

Thank You.
I would send it back to Spyderco, explain the problem and ask them to fix it.
It should'nt cost too much.

Good luck,
After working on my Jeep I found a few good way to go about getting stripped, broke or rusted bolts out. Not sure if they will transfer well into the knife realm though. If it’s not in the counter-sink dremel out a slot and use a flathead screwdriver. On a few really bad bolts O had to weld a bar to the bolt head in order to break the thing free, maybe you can do the same thing with some sort of super glue or even hot glue(or liquid metal)? Attempting any of my methods would really not be recommended, but I though I would just throw some ideas out there. I would take the advice of Allen myself.
Don't mess up your knife anymore...Send it back to Spyderco so they can fix it right.
I agree too -- let Spyderco fix it -- but since this is about repair it's going to the Toolshed. :cool:

Thanks for the move Cougar. I will probably send it back i guess....its going to be hard without my new knife to play with :( but I just got my A2 Aviator in the mail today so that should keep me busy for a while :D . Thanks for all the suggestions.
They have a quick turnaround time usually. You may even be able to just have them mail you a new pivot pin without having to send the knife in to them. Talk it over with the help desk on the phone.

Well this is a lockback, so slightly more complex than my PMillie, so you might wanna send it back. Blue is fine, just apply heat before you crank
I got the screw out...had to go to a local arts store and get a small metal file and I filed a straight headed screw driver head into it and then I used the star jey and screw driver to unscrew it. I had used the blue loctite but i stripped the screw so I couldnt hold it steady to unscrew it no matter how easy it was to unscrew. I soaked it in acetone to get rid of the loctite on it then rinsed it off and put some more loctite on it and FULLY screwed it in. I dont think im going to get a new pivot pin because i like being able to use a simple screw driver to unscrew the pivot. thanks for all your help.
Glad to see you fixed it yourself! I'm always a sucker for fixing (or messing things up) myeslf.