Stropping with Diamond pastes

Here is my 0.1 poly suspension. Sadden, I almost sure diamond in your bottle sourced from the same place as mine. Been known that Ken put 2grams of poly diamond in his product. While I don't know the quantity in mine, lots of water I reckon:p
Here is my 0.1 poly suspension. Sadden, I almost sure diamond in your bottle sourced from the same place as mine. Been known that Ken put 2grams of poly diamond in his product. While I don't know the quantity in mine, lots of water I reckon:p

Nice! I have had very good success with the Advanced Abrasives stuff too.
Either Hand American Products , or that produced by Mr Kenneth Schwartz.

With a known Concentration , Particle Size Distribution these are the only two companies I would buy abrasives from.

FWIW the product produced by Ken will be available through Bark River Knife and Tool soon.
or you can get CBN here for a lot cheaper

or you can get all kinds of diamond sprays from here also for cheaper
Also I would strongly recommend against blending up your own Diamond Dust , if you don't understand how particle agglomeration works then it most certainly wont work for its intended purpose..

One of the enjoyable aspects of the 'maintenance and tinkering' forum has always been the experimentation that is performed by so many folks here. People have tried using all sorts of different household goods as compounds for sharpening, experimented with different substrates for those compounds, as well as trying out different techniques in their quest for a better edge. Sometimes these experiments worked very well. Often they just flopped. Such is the nature of experimentation. As Thomas Edison remarked; "I didn't fail. I discovered 10,000 ways not to make a lightbulb."

If a few guys get together an purchase a kilo of .5mic diamond dust, then each one's HALF POUND of abrasive cost about $25. That's a LOT of diamond dust to play around with. Lots of room for experimentation. Mixed with de-ionised water, which is cheap when bought at chemical supply shops and is the carrier of choice for most commercially available diamond sprays, mixed with olive oil, mixed with mineral spirits or naptha, mixed with leather conditioner (which wouldn't really be a commercially viable carrier because of the cost, but can be the very best combination) or mixed with Yak urine, which probably won't become a big seller due to availability and smell, the possibilities are endless.

Some will work well. Others will not. There is absolutely NO reason not to try...

....or mixed with Yak urine, which probably won't become a big seller due to availability and smell....


I would agree , that that is what drives us all , chasing sharper edges. I would like to try sprinkling some on a strop dry personally.

My real point was that avoiding contamination and particle agglomeration is a big concern when mixing your own like that. Its very easy to have two 0.5 micron particles stick together and make a 1 micron particle , then those stick together and become a 2.0 micron particle. And so on...

People need to very careful when mixing their own like that. Otherwise the results will most certainly not be what they intended.
I just wanted to say that stitchawl has thouroughly schooled me today! TIL, friend! Keep this good exchange goin.