
Feb 8, 2010
Still waiting on several knives...have about 1100+ dollars of preorders with them. Some paid for over a year ago (I'm aware people have been waiting longer than I have).

Nobody is answering the emails, I keep getting an automated response back.

What gives? Is there something huge going on keeping them busy? I noticed Guy hasn't posted in quite some time on BF. I'm pretty lost right now as to what is happening with Survive.

Seeing orders in the 10000 range shipping while my 8000 isn't, etc...
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Great knives, but not worth year(s) long wait. Call them at the shop, easiest way to get in touch with them.

Good luck, but at this point you may have to call it quits and ask for your money back.

Still waiting on several knives...have about 1100+ dollars of preorders with them. Some paid for over a year ago (I'm aware people have been waiting longer than I have).

Nobody is answering the emails, I keep getting an automated response back.

What gives? Is there something huge going on keeping them busy? I noticed Guy hasn't posted in quite some time on BF. I'm pretty lost right now as to what is happening with Survive.

Seeing orders in the 10000 range shipping while my 8000 isn't, etc...
That’s rough.
I understand your frustration.

Unfortunately, I can’t really provide any insight or advice other than that it at least appears that things are slowly on the mend.

With respect to emails, it can take several days or more to receive a response, but I have always gotten one.

Where your knives are in the order of being shipped can also be a function of which models you ordered. There’s a huge backlog for several of them. As i said above, it does appear that things are on the mend, but it will probably take some time for them to catch up. Right now, it looks like 4.1s and 2.7s are shipping (not sure what the situation is with the 7/7s). The 3.5 appears to be next in line after that. For any of the other models, the wait will naturally be longer.

Again, I don’t know how useful any of this is, but I felt that you should at the very least know that your frustration is heard by the community of this subforum.

ETA: the first Friday Update is due tomorrow. Maybe/hopefully that will provide some info on the status of the various models.
My GSO 6 is a lower number than my 4.1 but I just got my 4.1.
Where the order numbers come in play are if two knives are in the same run.

I have two 5.1s, two 7/7, and a gso 4 limited in queue.

The idea was to load two similar bags with similar knives but that can't happen if the knives don't appear.
Still waiting on several knives...have about 1100+ dollars of preorders with them. Some paid for over a year ago

Again, I don’t know how useful any of this is, but I felt that you should at the very least know that your frustration is heard by the community of this subforum.

^This is what I wanted to type and couldn't get put down right. Thank you Oyster.

md02geist, hi, I recognize you from Busse, friend. Those 5.1s are a long way out I'm guessing. They completed a full run of them and they're cycled to the back of the line or nearly so, I believe. The 7/7s are trickling out, you should see them sooner than the 5.1s. I'm waiting on a 4 Limited like you are and I'm at the 12 month mark. Like Oyster, I'm not sure how useful this information is, but I'd recommend calling until you get an answer so that you can make some decisions. Best wishes.

Based on what- Lack of complaints?

The only real change is how slow the survive! knives forum is.
I hear you, and I agree it’s a thin thread to hang on to, but the “appearance” is based on S!K’s now working with Millit, more people sharing news of knives being delivered (as often noted, the number of customers posting here represents merely a very small fraction of the total so it’s very hard to gauge actual order fulfillment) and their decision to stop further sales until they’ve caught up.
Still waiting on several knives...have about 1100+ dollars of preorders with them. Some paid for over a year ago (I'm aware people have been waiting longer than I have).

Nobody is answering the emails, I keep getting an automated response back.

What gives? Is there something huge going on keeping them busy? I noticed Guy hasn't posted in quite some time on BF. I'm pretty lost right now as to what is happening with Survive.

Seeing orders in the 10000 range shipping while my 8000 isn't, etc...
Most of your points have been addressed, but I will note that Guy has very rarely ever posted on Bladeforums, that has mostly been Ellie.
Since announcing the SK line and changing the company that they use for grinding the Survive crew has been pretty quiet.
I can hope that means that they are busy making knives, and with the recent posts about knives shipping that seems reasonable.
Unfortunately Survive is buried in backorders and has been for a couple of years.
They've stopped taking orders, so eventually that backlog should be filled, but in the meantime all we can do is wait or ask for a refund.
I'd rather have the knives. ;)
It seems there is news on some models slowly shipping out.m my advice is, if you have any problem at all with waiting, cancel your orders.

There's too many great knives to buy without a wait. If you really want a Gso then there will be people, like me, that will wait forever and then just sell it on the exchange.

Life is too short to wait for a knife. Unless you're like me and you have more than you can use.

I too, have around $1100 in orders and I'm probably going to give it to the end of the month then I'm calling it quits on the wait.
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Trying to call but apparently they're only open 8-4, M-Th.

Pretty lame hours for people backed up on work, gotta be honest.
I use a similar message on my voicemail.
I doubt that it actually reflects when they are in the shop, but who knows, it might. ;)
I've never gone out to Idaho to check up on them.
I hit the two year mark on my second of three outstanding orders in October... I sent an email requesting cancellations on all three this week. Jordyn replied that she would have Ellie issue the refund.

I really wanted these knives, but when two years have passed and they haven't even begun cutting the steel on the models I ordered... I'm sorry, but I'm done.

I hope they turn it around.
My GSO 6 is a lower number than my 4.1 but I just got my 4.1.
Where the order numbers come in play are if two knives are in the same run.

Good to hear you got your 4.1, do you remember the date you ordered it? Trying to get an idea where they are on the pre-order 4.1s.
Good to hear you got your 4.1, do you remember the date you ordered it? Trying to get an idea where they are on the pre-order 4.1s.

Hey Jim, if you'd like to see what I got all gooey about on the new 4.1 just let me know, I'll send it your way.
I misread the title of this thread as , "smuggling"! My bad, please carry on!

I can't see crap when typing late in the dark! I meant "snuggling"! LOL...
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Hey Jim, if you'd like to see what I got all gooey about on the new 4.1 just let me know, I'll send it your way.

Thx Dan for that gracious offer and one I'll certainly keep in mind. The updates could certainly use some fine tuning.