Suggestions for an affordable pocket knife?

Jan 20, 2006
First, nice forum. Plenty of useful reading.

I'm looking to buy an inexpensive, lightweight pocket knife for everyday use (just basic cutting open a box, slicing rope/twine, etc.). I don't know much about different brands, so I don't want to buy a total POS. Any suggestions? I saw a Valor brand that looked lightweight, with assist open, for pretty cheap (~$10).
Looking to spend no more than $20

Thanks all!
Yup, Spyderco Byrd line has a very good Price/Performance Ratio.
Rather stick to wellknown brands and search for their low end knifes than going for no names.

Regards, vC
It's a rather boring suggestion, But...I'd consider a Swiss Army Knife, Opinel, or an Okapi knife.

People have gotten by for many, many years before the advent of G-10, opening holes, liner locks and super steels with these kinda knives. They still work as good now as they did way back when. (in many cases better than modern knives)

Opinels and Okapi are here: (There are none better to deal with than Mr. Ragnar, BTW)

SAKs are a dime a dozen and easily found at your local Wal-Mart. (although my personal preference is for the Victorinox knives, namely the Adventurer and the Tinker)

These are some very good options, that aren't from China.
A KABAR Dozier,for $20,a few blade styles available,and Very comfortable in the hand and pocket.
I'd get a Swiss Army Knife, a Victorinox Spartan or Soldier model. You'll get bottle and can openers as well as a knife blade(s). Well made, sharp blades that are easy to maintain, everyone should carry one.
Opinel makes very nice knives for under $10. I used them for years of backpacking and working outdoors. They are very traditional knives from France and have been made for over 100 years.

For $20 or less you should be able to buy one of the common Schrade OldTimer models on eBay, even in unused condition. The 34OT, 18OT, 104OT, etc. Watch out for the new Chinese-made OldTimers though.

My current carry knife is a Hunter's Scalpel from AG Russell. $20. It's a fixed-blade with a hard locking sheath, but it fits into my pocket easily.

Victorinox Swiss Army knives are certainly in your price range, and have a huge fan base here.

The Case Sodbuster is just over $20; the Sodbuster Junior is about $20.

The lightweight Dozier designed lockbacks by KaBar are an excellent value, right at $20.

Columbia River Knife and Tool has plenty of choices in your price range.

Best Wishes,
Right on with the Victorinox brand Swiss army knives. You can get a spartan or tinker at the 'mart for a bit under 20 bucks last I looked. For that you get two knife blades, a can opener, bottle opener (you drink inported beer?) two size flat screw drivers, a phillips screw driver. Toss in the tweezers (I've really pulled out splinters with them) and a tooth pick and you have a no loose bargin.

Want just a knife- try an Opinel. Opinels are a great cutter.
Benchmade Mini-Pika. A tiny bit outside of your price range, but it's an excellent small folder (great blade steel, secure lockback, very versatile blade shape) and really lightweight.
Ka-Bar Dozier or a Swiss Army Knife.

That Ka-Bar is freaking awesome for the price. :)

I've handled a Byrd "Flight" before and I didn't care for the quality. Rough opening and closing and just not my thing. I could tell it was a "cheap" knife.
well, depends on how "pocketable" you want it to be, bang for the buck, Wally-world may still have some of the Buck 110 commemrative tins for under $20, for $20, you get the classic (albeit a *little* large for EDC) Buck 110

Spyderco's keyring knives (Jester and Ladybug) can be had for the $20 range if you shop around, they don't have a particularly long blade, but they'll surprise you, they cut like a much bigger knife, are easy to sharpen, and are *very* pocket freindly (and sheeple freindly as well, hard to be intimidated by a 1.5" blade....)

Kershaw makes some nice knives (the Ken Onion Vapor series, for example)

if you can stretch your budget *slightly* (to $40) wally-world also sells the Spyderco Native, an absolute *steal* at $40, it retails at normal resellers at $75ish, the Native's a nice, solidly built knife, nice, sturdy CPM S30V blade, and amazingly sharp right of the box, scary sharp, in fact
Any number of various Swiss Army Knives
Schrade Classics with Ram's Horn scales. (Offshore made, but so far all 3 I have handled have been great).
Benchmade Pika or Mini-Pika
Buck 370 series slipjoints
The BM Mini Pika is exactly what you are looking for. A practical folder with good steel, and a super low-rider clip, ergonomic handle, at an affordable price. I have given away two and just ordered my third from New Graham. This is my edc and I own a Sebenza!!
For 20-30 bucks I'd go for Spyderco Byrd, Kabar Dozier, Victorinox Swiss Army, Case CV Yellow Handle knives, Buck 300 Series, or Superknife.
another vote for opinel, Victorinox sak, kabar dozier, maybe the kershaw vapor also.