Summarized Results of recent Top Ten Poll


Dec 2, 2005
Hello Forumites. I'm a newbie but have been bitten by the khukuri bug and already have a bad fever. So far the symptoms include a 16.5" Chiruwa AK, an 18" M43, a 22" BGRS and an assortment of unmentionable other brands. (This malady came on so fast I didn't realize what was happening and couldn't help myself). I decided to summarize the results of the poll as a means of acquainting myself with forumite preferences and as a service to the members. Hope this is reasonably accurate. Here's what I get:

Number 1: Ang Khola - 15 votes

12" - 1 vote
15" - 2 votes
16.5" - 2 votes
18" - 3 votes
20" - 5 votes
25" - 2 votes

Number 2: Ganga Ram Special - 13 votes

18" - 10 votes
22" - 3 votes

Number 3: Foxy Folly - 10 votes

17" - 8 votes
stretched - 2 votes

Number 4: World War II - 9 votes

16.5" - 4 votes
18" - 5 votes

Number 5: Six Place Tie - 7 votes each

Pen Knife

I think we should all revote after seeing Dave's Club this morning!
hollowdweller said:
Ang Khola. Wow. The model I like LEAST. I guess I must have just never had a really good one.

Well, if you consider the sizes individually, you'll see that the 18" AK is actually tied for sixth place, along with the 18" WWII.

For individual sizes it looks more like this, at least by my count:

1. M43 - 12 votes
2. 18" GRS
3. Chitlangi 20-22" - 8 votes
4. 17" FF
5. Pen Knife (12")
5. Kerambit
6. 18" AK
6. 18" WWII
6. some others
Yup, you can slice this up different ways (no pun intended). Just curious, how does the weight, balance, etc. of the 18" GRS compare to that of the Ang Khola? One of these will probably become my next symptom.
I was unable to reconcile my count of the M43 with that of Kazeryu until I realized there was a SECOND PAGE of poll results. Oh well, back to the drawing board. Will include second page later unless someone beats me to it - got errands to run.
Seems to me there were at least 3 or 4 votes for the Sher Attitude also.

Kazeryu said:
1. M43 - 12 votes
2. 18" GRS
3. Chitlangi 20-22" - 8 votes
4. 17" FF
5. Pen Knife (12")
5. Kerambit
6. 18" AK
6. 18" WWII
6. some others

Very interesting...thanks for the summary, both of you.