Support the ABS, buy a video

Dec 3, 1999
This isn't really a sales pitch, I'm not much of a salesman.

BUT...I bought the Bill Moran- Making of a Knife video at the Reno show...and it's GREAT!

This video isn't just something that would interest a bladesmith. I think any collector or just someone with a slight interest in the forged knife would find it very informative.

Bill's hands are very fluent with a hammer and he shows the process of forging a blade both with a 3lb hammer and also a power hammer.

I know Bill has had some criticism over fit and finish here and there...but if one were to see the equipment he uses they would not only stop critiquing...but ADMIRE the level he does achieve. I know I would certainly have a hard time getting anything flat (the ricasso, blade bevel, etc.) grinding it on a ROUND wheel.

This is a video of a living legend and I HIGHLY recommend it!!! :)

My plans are to become an associate member of the ABS and show my support that way, but this tape would be something else that could be done as well.

People say that Bill's fit and finish is suspect sometimes?
Not on any of the knives that I have seen.
There are some who feel they gain status through criticism of others. Men like Moran, Ruana, Loveless all contributed more to the world of knives that all their critics combined.

Look at the knives Bill has made, and continues to make. Extremely difficult manipulations of steel to emulate some of histories finest. Bill not only learned how, he knew the historical significance of all of them. I watched him put a convex grind on a blade using a round wheel, edge down, that was absolutely perfect. Again he knew how and most importantly why and took it to the limit. Read Bill's comments and questions about old blades and you will learn if you have the ability.

I filled two big cheif notebooks with thoughts while spending a week with bill, he has forgotten more that most will ever know. The same with Rudy Ruana and Bob Loveless, when I hear critics, I suggest that when they have achieved a tenth of what they have accomplished they may speak.
AMEN! Ed. MORAN IS THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!! PERIOD! Fisk is second!;)

edited to add: What I mean is, I know what your talking about. The ONE WITH HIS HEAD OUT THE FARTHEST gets shot at first! I see Jerrry there now. :rolleyes:
I have had this video for a couple of years now. Each time I watch it I learn something new. As my own level goes up, I am able to take in more of what the old master is doing.

From the first time I watched it I was struck by a couple of things. One Nick has already mentioned--Bill Moran works with a coal forge, a small banged up anvil, an ugly hammer, and an assortment of odd grinding wheels and grinders. But he makes incredible knives. They are also absolutely recognizable and unique--he learns from the past but has his own distinct style.

The second is how close to shape he forges! Point, clip, shoulders, and an edge as thin as most people grind them!

I second Nick's recommendation,
