Surefire Kydex Holder

Oct 5, 2000
Does anyone know who makes a Kydex holder for the Surefire E2E? The only one I could find is the one from T.A.G. that requires the installation of the T.I.D. (cookie cutter). I would like to find one that carries the light bezel down. If there aren't any available commercially,anyone know a good custom maker?
Hi Grant...

Heres my version for the E2e..


This rig is only bezel up though...

Bezel down is very difficult to do because of the shape of the E2e head. I've tried several different ways of doing it, and the fit is always choppy and has to be put in a certain way. Fiddling around trying to get the light into the holster is frustrationg at best. Not only that, if you decide to upgrade to a KL-I head, you would need again another holster.

With my holster, you slide it in and forget it, with or without the KL-I head.

If you are concerned about it digging, switch it over and carry it in the horizontal position. I carry my both vertical as well as horizontal and they are very comfortable both ways.

If you have any questions, Please feel free to drop me a note any time..

