SureFire batteries are not manufactured by Energizer, Duracell, Panasonic, etc. for SureFire; SureFire contracted out specifically for higher capacity batteries. In tests by many flashaholics the SureFire batteries have proven to be superior. The current lower prices on SF123A batteries are here to stay according to SureFire.
Follow this link to Brock's Flashlight page (a regular on CPF) for proof of the increased runtime and output gained by using SureFire batteries.
Making the batteries affordable should increase actual flashlight sales. After ordering 3 dozen SF123's at rock-bottom prices, I feel the NEED to pick up another flashlight. I hope they stay at $15/12ct... it's almost too good to be true!
AFIK, nobody makes rechargeable 123a cells at the moment. I think it has something to do with the power to size ratio, IE that to provide the same mA rating, a rechargeable needs to be bigger.
SureFire does not make rechargeable 123A's because they can not be made idiot-proof. LiIon batteries are available from outside the USA and are not safety rated. I was given the option to try out proto-types of SureFire's LiIons but cautioned that my safey could be at risk as LiIon in high-drain applications tend to leak and even explode violently.
The cost of making LiIon safe for unregulated flashlight comes down to runtime and the high initial cost.
SF123As are $1.25 each. This is cheap enough in my opinion so that a rechargeable option is not required. Every-night "duty" flashlights are a different matter.
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