My wife came in all excited yesterday, about a gift she bought me. It was a tiny little Victorinox keychain knife, had a tiny penn blade, combo bottle opener, and small phillips head, nail file, scissors, small flat screwdriver, pharmacists spatula, and a neat little pen and red L.E.D. light. I did my best to fein excitment, and I do think the pen and L.E.D. are neat, though it's too tiny to be of much use for anything else. It's not flat like most keychain knives, it's to thick to carry comfortably in my pocket. It's the first interest she's ever shown in knives, and the first knife she's ever bought me, and I'm determined to carry it, just because she gave it to me. Now my question is, how best to incorperate it as part of my everyday gear. Suggestions?