Survival Camping Training

Aug 21, 2002
I would like to know where can I study some of survival things, and where can I take some training in forest survival.

I live in Monterrey N.L. México but I used to go to a little wood house in Saltillo, Coahuila ( In this house we don´t have any kind of public service ( electrical light, watter, it does not have river ).

You might see one pic in the Cabaña section of my photo album here: in order to give me this kind of information.

Look up Ron Hood of Hoodswoods

Tom Brown:

Chris Nyerges:

I have met Chris Nyerges and he seems to be a real nice guy.

A friend went to Tom Browns school last year and absolutely loved it. It was weeks he was talking about it and still digesting things he learned.

All of these guys have written books. I am most familiar with Tom Browns autobiography 'THE TRACKER' and his wilderness guides. Very native american background and belief.

What is the forest like in your area? If it is mostly pine, oak, and other woods common to the USA then the authors mentioned above would be good. If your area is more typical of the dry forests of Mexico then you might want to find other sources, as many plants are different - although resources that teach survival for the Southwest USA would probably apply.

I have found that the people who live in small villages still know quite a bit about the local forests, including a lot of things that apply to survival. When I was in a village south of Guadalajara my hosts took me into the mountains to dig camotes and gather jarrillas, plus they pointed out a number of poisonous plants to avoid like dominguillo and sandia.

If your area is desert-like you might want to pick up Larry Dean Olsen's book Outdoor Survival Skills.
Greg Davenport runs Simply Survival training school in WA state. His email is and I'm sure he'll be glad to send you info on their program.

His "Wilderness Survival" book gets very good reviews for containing practical usable information and is availabe on for under $11 USD.

His teaching approach is based on the following VERY BRIEF quote describing the 3 steps & 5 essentials he deems important to surviving a situation in any environment:

"Wilderness survival has many variables that dictate a person’s success or failure. Each environment presents a myriad of challenges unique only to it. Survival basics, however, will always be the same. The following is a BRIEF outline of my three-step approach to global wilderness survival.

1. Stop and recognize the situation for what it is.
2. Identify your "five survival essentials" and prioritize them, in order of importance, for the environment that you are in.
3. Improvise to meet your needs using both your manmade and natural resources.

Identify your "five survival essentials" and prioritize them, in order of importance, for the environment that you are in.

1. Personal Protection (clothing, shelter, fire)
2. Signaling (manmade and improvised)
3. Sustenance (water/food ID and procurement)
4. Travel (with and without a map and compass)
5. Health (mental, traumatic and environmental injuries)."

There is also a flow-chart of this on Greg's biography page at their website.